Friday, March 26, 2021

Speaking Ancient Turkish in Contemporary Istanbul

Many years ago, when Marash Girl visited Istanbul, Turkey, and her friend Memet Fuat Bengu, she was able to speak Turkish with the Turks, but her Turkish was the Turkish that she grew up with -- the Turkish that her Armenian family, Armenian relatives, and Armenian friends all spoke with comfort. That was the Turkish that Marash Girl spoke. Thus, years ago, when Marash Girl visited Istanbul, her Turkish was a wonder to all the Turks with whom she spoke. Although they all knew English, Turkish folks she hardly knew would approach her and beg, "Speak Turkish, speak Turkish!!!" Apparently, the Turkish she spoke was from a different time and a different place (Marash, to be exact, presently known as Kahramanmaraş), and as Marash Girl's husband explained to Marash Girl, it was as if Marash Girl had arrived in contemporary England speaking Chaucerian English.

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