Monday, April 5, 2021

Elementary School Name Calling On An International Level

As Marash Girl did not think that the following was appropriate to post on the Easter weekend, she has chosen to post this "Global News" when it is no longer news. The following paragraphs are taken directly from the internet. "Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that "it takes one to know one" -- a translation that was later corrected to “he who said it, did it,” after U.S. President Joe Biden had said he thought the Russian president was a killer; Putin adding that he wished Biden good health." "I wish you health. I say that without any irony or joke." "Putin was speaking on television after Biden, in an ABC News interview that prompted Russia to recall its Washington ambassador for consultations on Wednesday, said 'I do' when asked if he believed the Russian president was a killer." "Biden also described Putin as having no soul, and said he would pay a price for alleged Russian meddling in the November 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, something the Kremlin denies." "It takes one to know one..." Really? That was Marash Girl's elementary school classmates' response whenever name calling began!

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