Monday, May 3, 2021

Grandma Yepros and the Missionaries

Grandpa Moses had come to the United States of America ahead of his wife Yepros and his children -- Gulenia, Paul, Peter and Rosie == for various reasons that cannot be discussed here. Soon after he arrived (knowing no English) he was able to secure a job working in the Vermont quarries, and renting a room with a Swedish family (which accounted for the fact that he spoke English with a Swedish accent). He was able to save most of his earnings, intending to send that money to his family in Marash . . . He gave the money to the missionaries from Boston to carry back with them to his family Marash. Fast forward . . . In Marash, when Grandma Yepros learned that the missionaries were coming to visit, she borrowed food from her neighbors (which she would spend many months repaying) in order to prepare a feast honoring the missionaries. When the missionaries arrived and saw the table covered with plenty of food, they decided not to give the money Grandpa Moses had sent to Grandma Yepros (as seeing the plenty set out on the table , they decided she needed nothing), but rather to give that money to the poor folks who were seriously in need . . . Needless to say, they did not understand the tradition of the Armenians in Marash . . . that tradition of honoring guests by offering them all that you have in your pantry . . . Seeing that Grandma Yepros was not in need (or so they surmised, not understanding the ARmenian tradition), they did NOT give the money Grandpa Moses had sent to Grandma Yepros, but rather decided to give it to other folks who were more in need . . . thus leaving Grandma Yepros in worse financial straits than ever before . . .

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