Friday, August 6, 2021

FIRST GENERATION was placed on the Mass Book Awards "Must Read" LIST

Congratulations to Krikor Der Hohannesian, whose latest book of poetry, FIRST GENERATION, was placed on the Mass Book Awards Must Read List. Published by Dos Madres Press in 2020, FIRST GENERATION is a collection of essays dealing with the author's experience of being first-born in the United States of America to survivors of the Armenian genocide. Der Hohannesian writes, "The essays were written with the intent to give voice to the silences the author never understood as a child - the seeming erasure of something too painful to put into words. The essays also represent his quest to rectify history and, concomitantly, to break down the resistance to acknowledgement of what transpired now over a century ago. On a more general level, both directly and indirectly, Der Hohannesian's poems attempt to describe the immigrant experience in its many forms, the experience of disparate groups in the United States of America. It is the author’s wish to explore and underscore commonalities that transcend particular ethnicities." N.B. Anyone interested in purchasing a copy may contact the author directly by emailing him at

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