Saturday, September 25, 2021

Do You Knit?

Do you knit? Have you ever run out of yarn, in that you have a little of this and a little of that, but not enough of any one color for a scarf? Well, here's a possible solution. If you have two (or three) balls of yarn, each ball a different color, colors that blend well together, each ball by itself insufficient to make a scarf, simply knit the first row with both (or all three) colors of yarn, then two rows of the first color, then two rows of the second color, (then two rows of the third color, if you have a third color), then two rows of the first color, then two rows of the second color . . . well, you get the picture! It works, and there you'll have an original scarf that most folks wouldn't think to create! Congratulations!

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