Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Finally. . . An Avocado Pit That Has Begun To Root!!!

Although she purchases fresh avocados weekly, it's been years, literally, since Marash Girl has found an avocado with a pit that has begun to root . . . She had all but given up until last week, when she cut open an avocado to make her favorite avocado dip (ripe fresh avocado with skin and pit removed, mashed and then mixed with a tablespoon or two of tomato salsa) . . . there it was! An avocado pit that had begun to sprout roots! Hooray! Marash Girl immediately rinsed that pit in cool water, wiping it gently to remove whatever of the avocado vegetable was left on the pit, being careful not to injure the root. She pierced the pit half way up from its base three times, each time with a toothpick spaced equidistantly apart from the others, then hung the beloved avocado pit by its newly acquired toothpicks in a glass of water ... Fingers crossed that months from now, Marash Girl will be able to report that a baby avocado plant has begun to grow up out of the avocado pit in the glass on her kitchen windowsill.

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