Monday, September 20, 2021

Remembering . . .

On Thursday, June 14, 2018, Marash Girl wrote a blog (reprinted here) entitled, "Chocolate Chips and Herald Sulahian" "One of the fondest childhood memories for Marash Girl was the visits made to our home by our cousins, the Sulahian family. Why? Aside from the fun, it was the chocolate chips. Chocolate chips, you ask? Yes! Chocolate chips. Because all of the kids in the family loved chocolate chips, Mother Jennie could not keep them in the house unless she placed them on the very top shelf of the kitchen cabinet (or the chocolate chips would disappear within 24 hours after the candies entered the house). That worked. It worked, that is, until Marash Girl's cousin Herald visited. Cousin Herald was very tall and he, too, loved chocolate chips . . . " We all loved our cousin, Herald Sulahian . . . ! Sister Martha writes the following: "Remembering Chief Mahogany, and I remember the particularly hilarious moments when his family visited us, we would play Cowboys and Indians. As you may recall, we would chase Herald around the house up and down the stairs yelling his code name “Chief Mahogany” . . . usually after he had grabbed Mommy’s bag of Nestles Chocolate Chips from the upper most cabinet in the kitchen adjacent to the back hall. Those were my silliest but fun memories of Herald!" Marash Girl and her Sunday School mates would love to sing the chorus to one of our favorite Sunday School hymns: When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and SHOUT the victory!
Photo by MarashGirl©2021 Comment from Sarah: Sad about your cousin .. what a dear memory of the chocolate chip chase. Cousins are wonderful - I am close with several, and have mourned some, too.

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