Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Story Behind The Quilt!

As Marash Girl crawled under the covers last night to join her husgand,she remembered where she had purchased the beautiful blue and green patchwork quilt that covered their bed . . . Here's the story . . . Marash Girl was at a yard sale several years ago, (well before COVID), where she found a beautiful, apparently brand new, handmade patchwork quilt constructed with lovely green, blue and yellow patches. The price tag? $5.00. Figuring that the price of $5.00 must have been written in error, Marash Girl asked the woman selling the quilt if the price was, in reality, $5.00. "Yes," answered the woman brusquely . . . "That's the price!" Curious as to why such a lovely piece was being sold so inexpensively, Marash Girl queried, "Well, why are you selling it inexpensively? Is it really brand new?" Her answer? "Yes, it's brand new . . . But would you want to sleep with your husband under a quilt that another woman made for him? Need I say more?" And that, as they say, was that!!! Marash Girl bought the quilt that another woman had made for another woman's husband, washed the quilt carefully, hung it out to dry (yes, in those days Marash Girl had a clothesline in the back yard), and Marash Girl and Marash Boy happily crawl under that beautiful handmade quilt nightly!

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