Saturday, January 8, 2022

Funny. . . You don't look Armenian!

When Marash Girl was growing up, and found herself in a group where she felt the need to identify her ethnicity, she would proudly announce, "I'm Armenian!" . . . meaning, of course, that she was of Armenian heritage, born here in the good old U.S.A.
Often, however, the response she received to her annoucement was the following: "Funny, you don't look Armenian!" And why did neither she nor her brother nor her sister (nor her father) (all of whom were blonde and blue-eyed, except for Marash Girl) . . . why did they not look Armenian? According to Marash Girl's father, it was because of the Crusaders who may have only passed through Marash all those many years ago, but, as her father would put it, ". . . they stayed long enough to leave their seed!"

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