Monday, January 31, 2022

Have You Ever Prepared Egg Salad With Parsley?

You read that right. Have you ever prepared egg salad with parsley rather than celery? Well, yesterday was a first for Marash Girl. Plenty of eggs in the refrigerator, plenty of parsley in the vegetable drawer, but no celery. . . Vaht to do? Egg salad with chopped parsley was the answer . . . a first for Marash Girl . . . and Marash Boy loved it! In fact, he told Marash Girl that his mother (Azniv, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide) often made hard boiled egg salad this way . . . and it took Marash Girl all these years to learn that fact . . . and to prepare egg salad with parsley rather than celery!!!! Try it, you'll like it! And so will all the old folks who can't chew celery!

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