Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Yegoor, Bahchig Daahm!

Marash Girl forwarded the following illustration to an Armenian friend who resides in the Middle East (parenthetically, a friend she has never met . . . or kissed!): "Yegoor, yelag daahm!"(which translates from the Armenian into English, "Come, I'll give you a strawberry . . .")
Illustration taken from the internet. Her friend's response? "Yegoor, bahchig daahm!" (...which roughly translates, "Come, I'll give you a kiss!") . . . a phrase typically used when an adult is speaking to a young child in response to the child's offering something . . . But, hey! Marash Girl will take it!!! Note: The "a" sound in Armenian rhymes with the "u" in the English word "drum".

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