Friday, February 4, 2022


For the first time in Marash Girl's memory, mail will be delivered only 3 days a week to the residents of her city, a suburb of Boston, according to the local United States Postal Service. This change in the United States mail delivery schedule may cause issues for folks who depend on mail being delivered 6 days a week . . . whether for business or for personal matters. If you live in Newton, Massachusetts, or care about what happens with the United States Postal Service, please call the powers that be at the United States Postal Service, or Mayor Fuller’s office at Newton City hall . . . 617-796-1000 . . . or email the Mayor at to express your concern . . . that is, if you are concerned! And if you have time, perhaps calling the Newtonville Post Office itself at 617-244-2355 will help. These things begin in a small way, but if not "nipped in the bud", as it were, . . . well, you know where this is going! Please forward this notice to others who may be concerned, as well. This is a democracy, and the voice of the people must be heard! Or is Marash Girl becoming too dramatic? She thinks not, as she knows what happened in Marash when the people's voices were not heard!

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