Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Marash Girl Remembers A Novel She Once Read When She Was 10 Years Old

Marash Girl remembers a novel she once read when she was 10 years old.  Marash Girl doesn't remember the title of the novel, but  she remembers very well the main thrust of the novel.  A little girl had recently moved with her family to Arizona and it was winter, but winter in Arizona is warm!  Every year, for as long as she could remember,  her parents would make ice cream for her birthday using the snow and ice that used to accumulate outside of their New England home to freeze up the cream and sugar in their ice cream maker.  But this particular year, there was no such hope.  She was so sad when her birthday came . . . until . . . a hailstorm fell on that very day and made it possible for her family to make  ice cream for the little girl's birthday using the hail stones to freeze up the cream in the ice cream maker.  The little girl had experienced a miracle, indeed!

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