Friday, April 1, 2022

Remembering Betty & Veronica . . . And An April Fool!

Years ago, when Marash Girl was in her early teens, Cousin G.  (name omitted to protect the innocent . . . or not so innocent) arrived in the United States of America from his home in Paris.  Visiting Marash Girl and her family in their living room for the first time, Cousin G. spotted a then current issue of Betty & Veronica . . .  (not the copy shown below!) In shock, he asked what they (Marash Girl and her sister) were doing reading such “trash” . . . although, as he asked the question, he never once took his eyes off of Betty’s breasts!  

N.B. This is April Fool's Day, is it not?  And who, Marash Girl asks, was the April Fool?

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