Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Angelina The Goat

Visitng Blogger Rene writes the following . . . A holiday dinner wasn’t a holiday dinner without my grandfather, Ashod, telling the story of Angelina, his beloved goat. The topic of milk would inevitably come up in discussion (maybe in relation to the mashed potatoes), and my grandfather would ask me, “Have you ever had goat’s milk?” I’d shake my head no, mildly disturbed by the thought of milk from a non-cow source. “Well, let me tell you, it’s the best thing! Did I ever tell you the story about Angelina the goat?” We’d all nod our heads and giggle to each other, “Here he goes again!” His face would light up. “I used to have a little goat named Angelina, and she was the best little goat!” Sometimes he would even throw in his signature exclamation, “Oooh-weee!” He would go on and on, the details having faded from my memory at this point. Mostly, I just remember him repeating this story over and over, and looking back, Angelina must have been quite a special lady! I can’t remember where he had kept the goat, but I believe it may have been up on his family’s island in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Maybe Marash Girl could remember? N.B. Marash Girl wishes Uncle Ashod had regaled her with the stories of Angelina! Marash Girl misses you, Uncle Ashod!

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