Saturday, April 14, 2012

Forsythia in Farlow Park

Walking through Newton Corner's Farlow Park yesterday afternoon, Marash Girl was reminded of her 4th grade teacher, Miss Forsyth, Claflin School, Newtonville, Massachusetts.   The very first fact that Miss Forsyth taught her students was her name, Forsyth. She taught us that the Forsythia Bush, which grew at that time all over Newtonville, was named after her ancestor.  Researching the fact just before she wrote this blog, Marash Girl learned that the genus Forsythia was, in fact, named in honor of the Scottish botanist and founding member of the Royal Horticultural Society: William Forsyth (1737-1804).  Every time Marash Girl sees Forsythia, she remembers Miss Forsyth.  She hates to admit it, but that's about all she remembers from fourth grade!

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