Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wild Turkey for Breakfast?

 Yesterday early morning, as she was hopping into her Volvo to leave for a funeral (she didn't want to be late), Marash Girl spied a full-grown wild turkey on the walkway right in front of her automobile.  The turkey took one look at Marash Girl, turned and calmly but purposefully sauntered in the opposite direction, as Marash Girl wildly scrambled for the camera which was in the bottom of her purse.  By the time Marash Girl had the camera out, the turkey had sauntered the full length of the walkway. 
Marash Girl was able to get off a couple of shots. (As you can see above, these were not shots of lead, as some might suppose).  
Marash Girl had seen wild turkeys in Newton Corner, leisurely crossing Newtonville Avenue, but never in her very own back yard.  Luckily the coyote who had visited a month ago was no longer around (see earlier post entitled Coyote Comes Calling), although Marash Girl did spy a sleek black cat peeking around the corner of the house.  The drama for Marash Girl paused, as she backed out of her driveway, leaving the forces of nature to play out as they would.

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