Friday, September 28, 2012

Echo Bridge, Newton, Massachusetts

We wanted to do something special but we had only about 15 minutes -- Where could we go? Where could we go that would be inspirational, that would take us out of the hurly burly and into the past a bit.  Marash Girl's surprise was Echo Bridge.  Echo Bridge, where she had first gone when she was in third grade, Echo Bridge  where she had taken her children and had yet to take her grandchildren.  . . Did you know that Echo Bridge, 19th century three arches of concrete in Newton Upper Falls, is a bridge  under which you can stand,   a bridge where you can call out and it will call back to you. . .    
Standing under Echo Bridge, looking south.
Standing under Echo Bridge looking west as the sun is setting.
What she didn't know was that Echo Bridge echoes better the higher your voice is . . . like on a violin, where the higher the note, the greater the vibration.  Unfortunately, with laryngitis, Marash Girl found it impossible to hit those high notes.  Only once was she able to, and what a wonderful echo the bridge provided.   .    .  Echo Bridge . . . be sure to check it out!

From Wikipedia:  Echo Bridge was built to carry the Sudbury Aqueduct over the Charles River from Needham to Newton Upper FallsMassachusetts. The aqueduct was constructed to carry water from the Sudbury River to Boston. Construction of Echo Bridge began in 1875 and was completed in 1877 by Boston Water Works (BWW), predecessor to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. At the time, it was the second longest masonry arch in the country. The bridge was named an American Water Landmark in 1981. On April 9, 1980, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge is located in the Hemlock Gorge Reservation.
The aqueduct is no longer used for regular water delivery, but is maintained as a reserve backup.

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