Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Bridge of Flowers, Shelburne, Massachusetts

And speaking of bridges, a very different bridge greeted Marash Girl the day after she visited Echo Bridge...

The Bridge of Flowers crosses the Deerfield River in Shelburne, Massachusetts.

Looking from the Bridge of Flowers across to the bridge
that cars use to cross  the Deerfield River, Route 2A
Looking across at the Bridge of Flowers from the
 bridge (Route 2A) that cars use to cross
 the Deerfield River

This bridge, The Bridge of Flowers, a bridge built in 1908 to accommodate the trolley that carried folks over the river to the mills in Colrain (a factory town in the Northwest corner of Massachusetts), was abandoned in 1927, and, in 1929 a then weed-covered bridge was planted with flowers and has been flowering ever since.

If you love books and you love flowers, if the existence of glacial potholes piques your curiosity, head out to Shelburn, a small town in Western Massachusetts, (often called Shelburn Falls, where you can visit but you can't live . . . Who can live on a  waterfall. . . Even salmon have to get beyond the falls!) The Bridge of Flowers goes right over the Deerfield RIver in Shelburne, and yes, you can live in Shelburne, Massachusetts.

Shelburn, a tiny jewel of a town just over the border from Vermont, and near the end of Massachusetts' scenic Route 2,  has (within walking distance of each other) 4 old-fashioned used book stores packed with used and antiquarian books that, yes, still exist today, and believe it or not, Shelburne has yet to become a town overrun by tourists.

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