Sunday, September 16, 2012

Heirloom Tomatoes and Mr. Mancini

Organic Heirloom Tomatoes from Newton Community Farm at the Farmer's Market, California Street, Newton, MA
Heirloom tomatoes?  You mean the tomatoes that Marash Girl's dad grew in the backyard on Lowell Avenue?  Those tomatoes were always large and misshapen -- or at least not the perfect round tasteless globes that one could purchase at Star Market. . . No, not Star Market tomatoes, but misshapen tomatoes bursting with flavor and energy. . .  All of Peter's tomatoes were Heirloom Tomatoes as were  Mr. Mancini's  .  .  .  Mr. Mancini lived three houses to the south of their Lowell Avenue home -- Mr. Mancini (born in Italy and a generation older than Marash Girl's dad who was born in Marash) would regularly walk through the three back yards to invite Peter to look at his latest and largest tomato, certainly larger than any Peter had.  The competition never ended until Mr. Mancini did.

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