Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wild about Yard Sales

Up half the night trying to decide whether or not to try and stage a yard sale this morning, Marash Girl was awakened by thunder at 5 AM.  That was it.  Down must come the signs.  No time to set up a huge yard sale with the threat of a thunder storm, whether or not the rest of the day promised sunshine.   Thus, 6 AM found Murat and Marash Girl headed out to remove any and all of the yard sale signs.  On their way, they were distracted as they drove along Newtonville Avenue by would be yard sale shoppers, two wild turkeys (were they considering campaigning for Kay Kahn and Joe Kennedy?) literally a block away from the site of the would have been yard sale.

Although Murat shot them, he was unable to take them home and prepare them for Thanksgiving dinner, as the only weapon he had with him was his phone/camera.

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