Monday, August 12, 2013


Last month, Marash Girl wrote a post in support of an effort to build a community kitchen; as many of you were unaware of what a community kitchen is, she posted the following link:

To help raise money for the community kitchen, Lorig ran a 31 mil race up mountains and over treacherous landscape.  At her request, I am posting her description of this race, and her effort at raising funds for this worthy cause . . . Please continue to read, and if you so wish, please lend your support!

Lorig writes:

In the days approaching the 50K trail run, the self-doubt demons began to rear their ugly heads and voices.  What was I thinking?  31 miles?  4500 feet of climbing?  Would I make it before the 9 hour cut off?  Did I remember to pack my running shoes?
In those same days, the messages and support from the community poured in - in words and in money.  We raised several thousand for the community kitchen, bringing us up to $19,000.  I received public and private messages about the run.  On Tuesday, we had covered the entire front of my running shirt with supporters’ names.  By Friday, we had so many more we had to cover the back with names. 
By the time I arrived at the starting line, the community supporters were starting to win out over the demons. 
And then I got to start running.  First the 2,000 foot climb over the course of the first 6 miles.  Then a section of glorious trail that just begged you to run it.  It felt so good I kept telling myself I should probably slow down and save myself for later – but I couldn’t resist the trail’s invitation.  Then 2000 feet downhill.  Then another (rather rough) 2,000 foot climb and back on the glorious section.  Several miles passed in the proverbial “runner’s high”.  Other’s passed in the body’s amazing ability to keep functioning even when the brain does not.  I did not realize I was in this state until I reached the aid station and could not form a coherent sentence.  At one point I was moving a little too fast downhill, hit a root, and actually took flight.  The landing was not so glorious.   The last few miles were a bit rough.  I suddenly felt like I had nothing left to give.  I looked down at my shirt - ink was starting to run, I was covered in dirt – but there you all were, running along with me.  And it was enough to suck it up, dig deep, and get over the finish line in 5:36:10.  Community -1; Demons -0.
Thank you for your generous donations and your encouraging words. 
Now we have one more finish line to get across together.  On Aug 14, our Indiegogo campaign ends.  We have another $11,000 to raise between now and then to build the community kitchen.
As you know, the kitchen will support micro-enterprise development, cooking and nutrition classes, and food preparation for people at risk of hunger.  Please share this site and your excitement about this project with your circles.
Your support got me through.  Together we can build this kitchen.

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