Sunday, May 29, 2016


"A miss is as good as a mile!"  Ever heard that expression?  Marash Girl first heard it in fourth grade when David Seeley, the baseball star of Claflin School, called a strike on one of his classmates, who cried out, "But I just missed that one!"  David Seeley called out, "A miss is as good as a mile."

Marash Girl remembered David Seeley's proclamation several years ago, when, during the Brew Fest held yearly on the shores of the Connecticut River at the Holyoke Canoe Club, Marash Girl was chatting with a group of family and friends when suddenly she saw a look of horror spread across their faces.  What could it be?  Had she forgotten to get dressed that morning?  No.  Had she said something inappropriate? Not that she could recall . . .

"Turn around," they cried out.

Marash Girl did so, and there  behind her lay a limb, a huge limb, that moments before, had  fallen off of the oak tree under which she was standing,  a limb that had just missed Marash Girl.  If it weren't for that miss, Marash Girl would not be writing today; but, then, as David Seeley proclaimed many years ago, "A miss is as good as a mile!"

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