Monday, May 30, 2016

The Little Doll on the Top Shelf at the Top of the Stairs

Auntie Zarouhi. No, that was her sister.  It was Ashod's older sister, Auntie Azadouhi.  She lived with her parents and brother and sister on the third floor in a darkened apartment in West Newton, the older daughter of Uncle Arakel (Sarkis was his middle name, as he was named after his father, Rev. Sarkis Bilezikian, the first Protestant minister in Marash); Uncle Arakel was a younger brother of Marash Girl's Grandpa Moses.

Auntie Azadouhi was so pretty, so sweet, so nice. Dark curly hair, light skin, a beautiful smile. Whenever we went to her house, she let us play with her pretty little doll, the doll she always kept on the top shelf in the closet at the top of the long flight of stairs leading to their apartment.  During one Sunday's visit, Marash Girl had such a hard time parting with that doll that she begged Auntie Azadouhi to let her take the doll home (her home, which was one mile away in Newtonville).

"But," replied Auntie Azadouhi, "if you take the doll home, it will never be here for you to play with when you come to visit!"

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