Thursday, July 25, 2019

Healing, Old Country Style

There's a story that the old folks used to tell about a boy in Marash who had a terrible eye infection.  No salve the local healer suggested would heal the boy's eyes.  Finally it was suggested that the family take their son to Istanbul to the most famous doctor of all.  The family did so at great expense both in time and money.  Finally arriving in Istanbul, the boy's father asked where to find this most famous of all doctors.  

Arriving at the door of this famous hekim, the family was ushered into his office with great dispatch. When the doctor learned of the boy's plight and examined the boy's eyes, he asked the boy to hold out his hands.  The doctor then tied the boy's hands behind the boy's back and told the family that the boy's eyes would be fine, that the eyes would heal very soon.

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