Friday, July 26, 2019

On Being Armenian in Third Grade at Claflin School

Most of her time during her year in third grade, Marash Girl spent in the hall with Jack B.  Both students regularly disrupted the classroom, one because she was bored, the other because he was bored, both for different reasons.  And both, by chance, were of Armenian heritage. In fact, both of them had parents who had been born in the "old country".  Both of them had learned English as their second (or third) language. The only difference was that Jack B. was the youngest of twelve children, and Marash Girl was the eldest of six (including her cousins living on the second floor).     And thanks to Jack B. and her third grade teacher, Marash Girl, as an adult, became a teacher of English to speakers of other languages.  It was easy.  She had done it before.

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