Thursday, May 28, 2020

Do I hear a tuna fish can being opened?

So thought Pudd . . . so thought Marash Girl.  Marash Girl would walk to Grandma Jennie's and Grandpa Peter's  house to visit after her stint for the day as Guidance Counselor at Newton North High School had ended.  Marash Girl walked up Lowell Avenue, past the high school field, past the 'new houses' which had been built where once trees stood, where once a spring ran with fresh spring water . . . As soon as Grandma Jennie (Marash Girl's mom, then known as Grandma Jennie since she  had been blessed with grandchildren) heard the cellar door opening, she would open a can of tuna fish that had been cooling in the refrigerator . . . tuna fish with no preservatives, of course . . .  drain the liquid from the can, spoon the tuna into a bowl, chop up some celery, add all natural mayo, stir it all up, and by the time Marash Girl arrived at the top of the cellar stairs and entered Grandma Jennie's kitchen, there would be a beautiful whole wheat tuna fish sandwich waiting for Marash Girl on the breakfast nook table.  Oh, how Marash Girl remembers the day . . .

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