Friday, May 29, 2020

No Roses, Please!!!

Hint for a long-lasting floral bouquet . . .

If and when you are ordering a floral bouquet to be sent to a friend/colleague/loved one, request that there be no roses included in the bouquet.

What?  No roses?

Yes, no roses.  


Roses are the first flowers to wilt and dry/die in most floral bouquets (unless, of course, the bouquet is made up of nothing but roses, and then death comes quickly to the whole bouquet).

If you are fortunate enough to receive a floral bouquet, don't throw the whole bouquet out because it begins to look faded.  Chances are, the fading is due to the roses that are wilting and coming to an early death!  Just remove the drooping roses (or whatever flowers are fading), and your bouquet will look as fresh as a . . . daisy?  Well, certainly not as fresh as a freshly picked rose.

And another tip . . . Water the bouquet just as you would water your plants.  The cut flowers get just as thirsty as any plant.  

You'll see how much longer your roses will last!!!

Oh, and yet another tip . . .  If you cut flowers to bring inside, recut the tips of them under running water and put the flowers, tips down, of course, immediately into a vase of water, a vase that has had a teaspoon of sugar placed in its bottom before the water has been added. You'll be amazed at the difference it will make in the life of your flowers . . . how much fresher your flowers will stay, albeit cut and placed into a vase.

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