Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Quick and Easy Summer Lunch!!!!

Getting lots of zucchini from your garden?  Eggplant, too?  Use Grandma Jennie's favorite go to recipe for a quick lunch or Sunday supper.  (Not sure, but Marash Girl thinks the meal may have originated in Aintab!)

Simply rinse the eggplant or zucchini (preferably eggplant or zucchini fresh from your garden, not veggies that have been stored in your refrigerator for days) under cool running water.  Slice thinly.  Beat several eggs in a low soup bowl, dip the sliced veggies into the egg mixture, and fry quickly in hot light oil, turning the slices once, and, when browned, placing on a platter which has a covering of several layers of paper towels to absorb the oil from the freshly fried vegetables.  (Be sure the paper covered platter is not close to the flame, but rather on the opposite side of the stove from the flame!!!). Sprinkle the zucchini and/or eggplant with salt (and red pepper, if you're tastebuds  veer towards the Middle East), and serve (while still hot) with fresh, sliced tomatoes . . .  You may serve theses slices in a sandwich, or simply tomato and eggplant (or tomato and zucchini) on a bed of fresh lettuce.   Yum!!!

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