Friday, August 14, 2020

"Sure I went to MIT . . . and I walked right past it!!!!"

After having survived the Armenian Genocide, and having moved to the good old USA, Grandpa Peter used to laugh about the fact that he was the oldest boy in first grade . . . 10 years old!!!  (As he knew no English when he arrived, they placed him with the first graders in Watertown, but once he learned English, he skipped 5 grades!)  Upon graduation from Watertown High School, Peter, known to Marash Girl as Daddy, was offered a scholarship to MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  When Peter announced the good news to his family, his brother Paul said, "Are you going to leave me alone to care for our aging father and blind mother?"  Peter didn't have the heart to do so, and thus, rather than attend MIT on scholarship, he worked with his brother in their own shop, Newtonville Electrical Company, Inc., in Newtonville, Massachusetts, repairing refrigerators and oil burners for the rest of his life.  But that didn't mean that he never got a college education . . . he did more than that!!! He purchased and carefully read through the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica, and when he finished reading and digesting those volumes, he purchased the Historians' History of the World, and read through that series of books on world history. . . and on and on and on!!!! He got more than a college education, and he did it  all on his own!!!!

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