Monday, August 3, 2020

Grandma Jennie's Go To Recipe

You already know about Grandma Jennie's parsley and egg which Marash Girl has written on in several earlier blogposts.  Here is another of Grandma Jennie's favorites:  eggplant dipped in egg!   No, not the whole darn eggplant, but eggplant with its stem removed and its skin intact, nicely washed and rinsed, and thinly sliced. 

Dip a slice of eggplant in a bowl of well-beaten eggs (two or three should suffice), and carefully place that slice of eggplant into a frying pan which has approximately a 1/2 inch of oil on your stove top.  Turn the heat up under the pan to bring the oil to a sizzle before placing the egg-dipped eggplant into the frypan. Be careful, as the oil is likely to spatter as you place the eggplant into the pan, so try to keep your distance.  You will see that the egg on the sides of the eggplant slices become brown; at that point, flip the slices of eggplant over and fry for another minute or so.  Remove the eggplant slices and place the eggplant on a dish that has been covered with a paper towel, a dish that has been set at a distance from the flame, so that the paper towel will not catch fire.  Lightly sprinkle the eggplant slices with salt and pepper, and serve as soon as possible with freshly sliced tomatoes as a garnish.  Delish!!!

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