Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Watermelon Rind Candy

Marash Girl guesses that once you've experienced starvation, or near starvation . . . once you've seen people dying of hunger . . . you never again waste a bit of food . . . and that includes the rind of the watermelon.  The old ladies that Marash Girl knew, the survivors of the genocide of the Armenian people, loved to serve watermelon removed from the skin.  Many ate watermelon with a fork, we kids ate it off the skin.  Dad salted his watermelon and carefully ate the innards of every seed that was in his piece of watermelon.  And the old ladies carefully peeled the green rind off of the melon from which they had taken the red watermelon to serve, and prepared it for making watermelon candy by simmering it in sugar syrup on their wood burning stoves!!!!  Marash Girl never learned to make  watermelon candy, (although the recipe is now on the internet), but she used to eat it when she was a kid.  Delish!!!

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