Saturday, February 27, 2021

Meeting Sue Grafton at a Book Store in Manhattan

Such a surprise met Marash Girl years ago, when she walked into a bookstore in Manhattan only to notice that her favorite author of mysteries -- Sue Grafton (May she rest in peace) -- was signing books in preparation for a booksigning soon to occur later that afternoon. So gracious was Ms. Grafton, that she cheerily chatted away with Marash Girl (someone Ms. Grafton had never met before) as Ms. Grafton continued signing the books that the author knew would fly out of the store later that afternoon . . . as soon as her booksigning talk was over. The connection was so real that Ms. Grafton and Marash Girl continued communicating by email for years . . . That meeting is of Marash Girl's favorite memories . . . and Sue Grafton is and always will be one of Marash Girl's favorite authors. Such sorrow when Marash Girl recently learned that Ms. Grafton had passed away several years ago May the Lord welcome Ms. Grafton into the Kingdom of Heaven!

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