Sunday, February 28, 2021

Remembering Auntie Nectar's Farm

One summer Sunday afternoon, many years ago, during a family visit to Auntie Nectar's farm in Hopkinton (in the old days, about an hour west of Boston along Route 20 by car), ten-year-old Marash Girl was happily walking barefoot through the grass when poison ivy first met with the bottoms of Marash Girl's bare feet . . . and this, much to the dismay of all the adults who watched with horror and shouted out warnings. . . but the warnings came too late . . . the poison ivy was already crushed under Marash Girl's pobik dodiks. The miracle was that Marash Girl's feet did fine . . . no poison ivy followed her feet home, thank the Lord! Marash Girl still wonders if the poison ivy survived to tell the tale.

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