Thursday, March 31, 2022

Looking For Friendship? Try a Billbergia nutans H.Wendl. ex Regel

                                                                                             Photo BMarashGirl©2022                                  

                                    Above see photo of Marash Girl's very own Friendship Plant!   

            (The Friendship Plant is better known by  scientists as Billbergia nutans H.Wendl. ex Regel

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Spring Crocuses "Spring Up" In Marash Girl's Front Garden . . .

                                                                                                    Photo by MarashGirl©2022  
                                                            Crocus Vernus (Spring Crocus)

                         N.B. The  native range of crocus vernus is from the Alps to the W. Balkan Peninsula. 


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Siberian Squill (Scilla Siberica)

                                                                                                                   Photo BMarashGirl©2022
                                                     . . . And Siberian Squill make their way into Marash Girl's front yard!                                           Did they really travel there all the way from Siberia?

Monday, March 28, 2022

Alpine Squill (Scilla bifolia L.)

                                                                                                                                                        Photo by MarashGirl©2022  
                                        Alpine Squill  (Scilla bifolia L.) ... all the way from the Alpines . . .                                                                       squeeze into Marash Girl's front garden!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Still Remembering This Sunday Sermon . . .

Don't expect the devil to appear in a red suit with horns and a forked tail . . . when the devil appears, he'll be speaking softlyall dressed up in a white shirt and red tie, a dark suit and freshly polished shoes.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Newton Corner Supports The Ukraine!

                                                                                                Photo Taken In Newton Corner by MarashGirl©2022  

Friday, March 25, 2022

Planning To Attend A Yard Sale This Coming Weekend?

Have you been to a yard sale or estate sale recently?  Noticed that the paper backings to the framed  photos and paintings were torn?  Do you know why? Here is one possible answer to the conundrum!

In the olden days, people would often hide money, stock certificates, valuable paper items, and lightweight gold necklaces behind the paper backings of framed photos and paintings . . .  Hence, folks at yard sales who did not like the painting or photo would always check for hidden treasures behind the paper backings of framed photos and paintings . . . more often than not, finding dollar bills, stock certificates, and on and on . . . you fill in the blanks!

. . . Forewarned is forearmed!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Been To A Yard Sale Recently?

Been to a yard sale or estate sale recently?  Noticed that the paper backings to the framed  photos and paintings were torn?  Do you know why?

Check in tomorrow to learn the answer!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"Toilet-Training A Cat" by Brent Katz

On 3/20/22,  THE NEW YORK TIME MAGAZINE featured an article by Brent Katz entitled, 
"Toilet-Training A Cat", an article in the New york Times Magazine, 3/20/22,  brought to Marash Girl's mind her grandfather, Moses, who had toilet-trained his cat way back before Marash Girl attended kindergarten.

Marash Girl remembers that the cat would do its duty in the bathroom toilet,  after which it would come around and "meow" to Grandpa Moses, requesting that Grandpa Moses flush the toilet for the cat . . . which Grandpa Moses promptly did!  How Grandpa Moses trained that cat is unknown to Marash Girl, as Marash Girl was well into her third or fourth year of life when the training began for Grandpa Moses' cat!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Happy Birthday To Our Very Own Spring!

                                                                                                    Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022  
Happy Birthday To Our Very Own Spring! 
And thanks to NCS for the homemade birthday cake!


Monday, March 21, 2022

The Heartwood Of This Felled Tree Welcomes Spring . . .

                                                                                            Photo by MarashGirl©2022 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Giving Cheer On A Grey Day. . .

"We flower no matter what the weather!"
                                                                            Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022  


Saturday, March 19, 2022

On St. Patrick's Day, In A Farewell To Winter, These Trees In Newton Corner Swayed To An Irish Breeze

                                            Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022  
"On St. Patrick's Day, in a farewell to winter, the trees in Newton Corner sway to an Irish breeze!"

Friday, March 18, 2022

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist

Today, March 18, 2022, marks the 32nd anniversary of the art stolen from Boston's Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum.   Those irreplaceable, invaluable art objects have yet to be recovered . . . So sad . . .

N.B. Thanks to Deron of Manhattan for the sorrowful reminder!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

On The Street Celebrating St. Patrick's Day

                                                                                        Photo Credit:  KarounCharkoudian©2022 

                                                                                                      Photo Credit:  KarounCharkoudian©2022 

                                                                The Irish Ale House in Springfield, Massachusetts, 
                                         has painted four-leaf clovers on its sidewalk in celebration of St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022



"You're what?  Waiting for St. Patrick's Day so that you can celebrate the fact that you're Irish?                   I don't wait!  I celebrate the fact that I'm Irish every day!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Winter's Walk Along Maple Avenue

A Winter's Walk Along Maple Avenue With Marash Girl . . .  

                                                                                                                                                    Photo Credit:  KarounCharkoudian©2022 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Is Winter Really Bidding Us Farewell?

                                                                                        Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022 

Sunday, March 13, 2022


                                                                                                                                                                Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022  

Saturday, March 12, 2022

This Birdhouse Happily Awaits The Imminent Arrival Of Spring . . .

                                                                                            Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022


Friday, March 11, 2022

On The Curb . . . ? Whoops!

                                                    "Private Property - No Trespassing, No Dogs"                                      Above photo by MarashGirl©2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

A Safety Cap?

A safety cap for the local fire hydrant?
                                                                              Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Marash Girl Remembers A Novel She Once Read When She Was 10 Years Old

Marash Girl remembers a novel she once read when she was 10 years old.  Marash Girl doesn't remember the title of the novel, but  she remembers very well the main thrust of the novel.  A little girl had recently moved with her family to Arizona and it was winter, but winter in Arizona is warm!  Every year, for as long as she could remember,  her parents would make ice cream for her birthday using the snow and ice that used to accumulate outside of their New England home to freeze up the cream and sugar in their ice cream maker.  But this particular year, there was no such hope.  She was so sad when her birthday came . . . until . . . a hailstorm fell on that very day and made it possible for her family to make  ice cream for the little girl's birthday using the hail stones to freeze up the cream in the ice cream maker.  The little girl had experienced a miracle, indeed!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Sunny Winter's Day . . .

                                                The sun casts shadows on the winter's snow . . . 
                                                                                                             Above Photo by MarashGirl©2022                                     


Monday, March 7, 2022

When is a shoe not on? Figured it out yet?

When is a shoe not on?  Have you figured out the answer yet?  If not, here it is!

When is a shoe not on?  When it's in . . . when it's a "shoe-in" (or rather, as your English teacher would tell you, a "shoo-in"!)                                                                  Above Riddle Copyright MarashGirl©2022            

N.B.  This riddle works fine when it is spoken!  Not so well in print!


Sunday, March 6, 2022

"Do I really have to shovel all this snow?"

                                                                                    Photo by MarashGirl©2022

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The More Important Question . . .

Approaching an essay question in a final exam, a question for which she had not prepared, Judith answered as follows:  "You ask . . . . " (and she rewrote the professor's question on the exam and continued . . . ) "but the more important questions is . . . . " and she would write out the question for which she had studied and then answer that question in full!

Ready for another riddle? Here goes . . .

When is a shoe not on?     Check out  Monday's  blogpost for the answer!

Friday, March 4, 2022

Why Was The Mud Crying? Have You Figured It Out Yet?

 Why was the mud crying? 

The mud was crying because it didn't want to dry up!                                                                                                                           Above Riddle Copyright MarashGirl©2022

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

With what comb is it impossible to comb your hair?

With what comb is it impossible to comb your hair? 

It's impossible to comb your hair with honeycomb . . . 

And please don't try to prove Marash Girl wrong!  You may find yourself in a sticky mess, if you do!

                                                                                                                     Above Riddle Copyright MarashGirl©2022

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


And speaking of honey comb brings to mind summer and the honey bees . . . 

Peter was deathly allergic to the sting of the honey bee; his brother, Paul, was in love with honey bees!  Vaht to do?  The edeh won out and raised honey bees, harvesting honey every fall.  Peter never got stung until, one summer's day, he did; he was pursued by a swarm of bees for whatever reason, only the bees know. Peter dutifully went into the arms of a low growing plum tree in his back yard, the leafy branches of which he knew would protect him from being attacked by the swarm.  The branches did their duty and Peter survived, no thanks to the bees!!! They kept trying!!!!

N.B.  Perhaps that's the reason Marash Girl has a distaste for honey!

Did You Comb Your Hair This Morning?

 Did you comb your hair this morning?  

If so, here's a question you may have never asked yourself . . .  

With what comb is it impossible to comb your hair?