Thursday, November 30, 2017

Clearing the Decks

Sometimes gifts can be overwhelming, and when Marash Girl closed her warehouse, she no longer had space to keep the gift of a "storeful" of sheet music.  Marash Girl has spent the day moving cartons of brand new sheet music onto her porch, where the Vietnam Vets will pick up the music to resell.  If anyone reading this lives in the neighborhood, you're welcome to come by and take what you like.  There's plenty for everyone!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Backgammon (Tavlu) Has Finally Arrived!

Although there were no examples of backgammon boards from Damascus, Syria,
 always a work of art, the tavlu board has finally made its way into the rooms of the 
George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, Springfield, Massachusetts.  
Bravo, Springfield! Bravo Sidney Mobell!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

First Christmas Tree of the Season

                             Springfield, Massachusetts:  Quadrangle,  Dr. Seuss Museum

Monday, November 27, 2017

New Friends Greeting for the First Time on Thanksgiving Day

                                                    Dylan Marie greets her newest friend!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

How does one recognize the devil?

Reading Kim Warp's cartoon in the New York Times several days ago reminded Marash Girl of one of those unforgettable sermons she heard when she was probably no more than eight years old.  The evangelist warned his congregation, "The devil doesn't come dressed in red with horns, carrying a pitchfork with three tines.  The devil (or evil, as you would have it) comes dressed in a nice suit with a white shirt, clean and well-dressed."
N.B. Or did the devil come in an overabundance of delectable desserts on the Thanksgiving table?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Map of North Korea?

On Thanksgiving Day, Marash Girl received a greeting from her brother, the "Message" was simply the  map of North Korea . . . She wonders what he'll send her on Christmas Day. . .

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Two Little Ones

The two little ones returning from a foray on the day after Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving . . . But . . . .

This morning, opening her computer, expecting to be barged by greetings of the season, Marash Girl was faced with a  warning:  "Coyotes on the prowl in Newton!"  Make sure your chickens are safe, as well as your small pets.  Coyotes love them all!  The coyotes are looking forward to a "Happy Thanksgiving"!  They got the message!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Back in the day, a kiss was a kiss, but still, a kiss was a bigga deal, at least for Marash Girl.  The game of padiddle made life a lot easier for guys who wanted a kiss from their favorite gal without having to steal one.  Paddidle, you ask?  Well, yes.  This is how it went.  If a guy took a girl out on an evening date in his car (or they could be walking . . .) and the guy spotted a car with one headlight missing, the guy would call out, "Padiddle!"  That would signal his right to kiss the gal who was with him.  And in those days, kissing the gal you were with meant something!  So the guy would call out, "Padiddle", and it was understood that the gal would have to allow the guy to kiss her.  But that was a problem if the gal were out with a guy who she liked as a person, but not as a boyfriend, not as someone she would want to kiss.  So how did a girl deal with that in the day when she was alone in a car with a guy, he claimed his right to a kiss by shouting, "Padiddle" when he spotted a car with only one headlight?  She simply said, "No," and never accepted a date with that fellow again.  At least, that's how Marash Girl solved the problem!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Secure those air-conditioning units!

A word to the wise . . .  Apparently, the latest style of home break-ins comes via first floor air-conditioning units!  Either secure those air-conditioners or remove them!  As the holidays approach, folks with no money get desperate!  A word to the wise!!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2017

The White Birch: A Lesson In Survival

Standing at the bay windows watching the white birch trees dancing with the hurricane force winds, Marash Girl was taught a lesson in life, a lesson which she remembers to this day:  the importance of the ability to sway with the winds. That lesson was brought back to her unexpectedly last week on a wind-free afternoon, as she wandered past the shops of Newton Centre and spied lengths of white birch, leaning against the windows of an elegant men's shop, white birch which in her day were considered "junk trees" when juxtaposed with the mighty oak, white birch which when battered by hurricane force winds, knew to dance and sway with the winds in order to save their lives.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Hymns Stay With You Forever!

The words, the tunes of those old-time hymns stay with you forever.  You may forget the sermons, but not the hymns!  When you most need them, they are there with you, a reminder of God's presence.  At least, that is the case for Marash Girl.  In case she hasn't mentioned it before, the hymnal she grew up with, Spiritual Hymns of Worship, compiled by E. E. Elmajian, was published in three languages -- English, Armenian in Armenian letters, and Turkish in Armenian letters.  And the hymns were sung in all three languages by folks who had sung those hymns in Turkish and Armenian and English throughout the time of untold atrocities, atrocities against the Armenian population, atrocities that occurred under the cover of World War One.  We are all so thankful to be safe, here in the United States of America.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

"There are two brothers who have not bowed their knees to Baal." A Missionary's Tale

"There are two brothers who have not bowed their knees to Baal."  These words were uttered by a missionary visiting the Congregational Church in West Newton in the 1930's.  What ever could he have meant?  Here is the story behind those words.

Many years ago, in Newtonville, Massachusetts, in the 1930's, a man walked into Newtonville Electrical Company, then at 84 Bowers Street in Newtonville, Massachusetts.  The man walked into the store, looked at a used refrigerator, asked the price, and when he heard the price (not very much, for that time), he thanked the proprietor and turned around to leave the shop.  The proprietor stopped him.
"Why are you leaving?" asked the proprietor, who had offered the used refrigerator (probably a Grunow) at a price far below the going price for such an appliance.  
"I can't afford the refrigerator," replied the customer, hanging his head in shame.  
"Don't worry," replied the proprietor.  "Where do you live?  If you can't afford the refrigerator, we'll deliver that refrigerator to you at no cost."  "The boys" (as they were known) who owned Newtonville Electric, knew what it was to have very little money, to have to do without . . . The customer was amazed at the beyond generous response, and accepted the kindness of the proprietors of that electrical shop in Newtonville in the 1930's.

Not a week passed before folks started calling the Newtonville Electrical Company, ordering electrical appliances, sight unseen, cost unquestioned, to be delivered to their homes on West Newton Hill (at the time, one of the wealthiest areas in Newton).  Peter and Paul could not understand what was happening . . . why folks would be ordering appliances without asking the price ahead of time . . . without seeing the appliance before ordering.  Finally, they asked one of the customers what had caused the sudden influx of orders from previously unknown customers from the West Newton Congregational Church, and below is the reply they received.

"The missionary to Africa that our church supports is here in the United States on a year's leave.  He needed to furnish his apartment on a very limited budget. Not knowing that he was a missionary, or that he was supported by the West Newton Congregational Church, you gifted him the refrigerator, essential to his family's well-being.  He told the story of your generosity at our evening service, beginning with the following words:  "There are two brothers in Newtonville who have not bowed their knees to Baal." (See 1 Kings 19:18 and Romans 11:4).

Those two brothers were Marash Girl's father Peter Bilezikian and her uncle Paul Bilezikian.  God rest their souls.

Friday, November 17, 2017

If You're Armenian, Thanksgiving Means More Than A Turkey and Trimmings

Daily, Marash Girl's father thanked God for his new life in the United States of America, life without fear of the Turkish gendarmes knocking at the door (fear that his mother and sister experienced as they hid, the gendarmes taking away their parents, Marash Girl's great grandparents who were never seen or heard from again . . .  for whatever reason, no-one today knows).  Marash Girl thanks God daily, as did her parents and grandparents, for welcoming the Armenians into the Country of the Free.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

In whatever language, it all starts in the same way . . .

Inch ga chiga?  Ne var ne yokh? Qué pasa? Comment ça va?  What's up?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What would we do without our iPhones?

Today, Marash Girl thought she had lost her iPhone.  The emotional toll that that possibility took on her was indescribable.  There's something wrong with our having such dependence on any such mechanical device, no matter how helpful it is to our daily lives . . .
n.b.  She did finally find it.  She had left it on the front seat, passenger side, and in that it was the same color as the car's upholstery, she had not seen her trusty phone.  Thank goodness for "FIND YOUR PHONE!"

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Takashi Murakami: Lineage of Eccentrics

Now featured at the MFA:  Takashi Murakami's "Lineage of Eccentrics".  Marash Girl was lucky enough to be invited to an illustrated lecture previewing this exhibit, followed by an elegant tea.  The only problem with the lecture was the deliberate (I have to assume) avoidance of any reference to the toll/influence/affect that World War Two must have had on the artist.  Nor was a likeness to Mickey Mouse mentioned, although the image included herewith certainly brings to mind the famous Disney rodent.  Herewith, a few photos from the illustrated lecture.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Panera and the Kitchen Sink!

Panera always offers a special treat -- a free desert to celebrate on your birthday-- that is, if you've signed up for the treat on their website!  True to their word, Marash Girl was offered a special treat, a treat called the Kitchen Sink.  I kid you not!  What was the Kitchen Sink?  It was the biggest, fattest chocolate chip cookie you ever did see -- a promised 800 calories if you ate the whole cookie!  Did Marash Girl eat the whole cookie?  She's not telling!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Happy Birthday, Nisha Djan!

Okay, so who in the world ever has a first child three weeks early?  Marash Girl did!  And what a surprise it was.  Marash Girl and Marash Boy were expecting a boy . . . who knows why?  The old country old wives' tales about how high or low the mom is carrying the baby . . . Marash Girl was sitting on the third floor of their Beacon Hill home, preparing the antique wicker rocker which Grandma Jennie had gifted them . . .  Marash Girl covering the rocker's cushions with brightly colored Marimeko fabric . . . when all of a sudden Marash Girl's water broke and off Marash Girl and Marash Boy went to Brigham and Women's Hospital.  They were all set with the rocking chair for nursing the baby and a name . . . Armenians always name their first son after the child's grandfather.  (Do they? Or did Marash Girl just make that up?)  In any case, Marash Boy and Marash Girl were all set with a name.  Nishan.  Beautiful name meaning "sign" . . . (all Armenians knew that meant "Sign of the Cross").  So off they trekked to the hospital, and guess what!  Not a first son, but a first daughter.  Name?  No problem.  They would still name the beautiful new baby after her father's father.  Nishanouhi?  ("ouhi" is the feminine ending for an Armenian name. . . No way was Marash Girl's daughter going to be an "ouhi"!)  Not Nishanouhi!  Nisha!  Yes, Nisha!  A beautiful name for a beautiful baby, a beautiful woman.  
Happy Birthday to our dear Nisha! Happy Birthday to you!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017 ask for your support!

Lorig Charkoudian (on left) running for Maryland's District 20 Delegate,
goes door to door as she begins her campaign.

Dear Marash Girl,
Over the last few months, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many 
of you in person while knocking on doors in your neighborhood. 
I learned a lot about your concerns: the educational opportunities 
for your children, the preservation of the environment, and economic 
justice for the everyone in our community.You also shared with me 
the things that you love most about living in District 20, and as the 
holiday season approaches, I’m thinking a lot about all we have to be 
thankful for. There’s a rich sense of inclusiveness in our communities--
cultural diversity is one of our District’s greatest strengths. We are so 
fortunate to have a community committed to building a better world. 
I am inspired by the social change agents who live in District 20 and 
spend every day of their lives working to make this world 
a better place. And we can’t forget about our beautiful parks 
and waterways, including the Sligo Creek and Northwest Branch, the 
Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Park, and our neighborhood parks, 
that connect us to our beautiful planet and to each other. Finally, as 
Veterans Day draws closer, we are grateful for our veterans and their 
families for the sacrifices they have made and continue to make.
There’s so much to love about being a resident in District 20, and I’m 
committed to making sure that everyone who lives here has the 
opportunity to enjoy everything our district has to offer. I have a 
strong record of civic engagement in District 20, and I know that 
I can help this district even more as your representative in Annapolis.
It’s a huge task and I’m up for the challenge, but I need your help to 
get there!
Please volunteer to help spread the word about my campaign. You 
can join me for the Silver Spring Thanksgiving Parade on November 18. 
Volunteer Here.
Our Yard Signs have arrived!  Let us know if you want a yard sign to show 
your support and let your neighbors know about my candidacy.  
E-mail to have one delivered to your house. 
Please make a contribution to my campaign so I can reach more voters. 
Contribute Here.
Please also join us for Star Wars Trivia Night.
Thank you for all of your support! I hope that you will join my campaign so that 
together we can enhance everything that we love about District 20 Maryland.

Paid for by Friends of Lorig Charkoudian, Jill Feasley, Treasurer, Tebabu Assefa, Chair
Friends of Lorig Charkoudian
P.O. Box 11281
Takoma Park MD 20913 United States

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Picking Up After the Fray

A sad day, yesterday, as Marash Girl accompanied her friend, a friend who ran for political office and lost, accompanying her around the city, gathering her campaign signs from the lawns of those who had supported her.  The good news?  The signs are being saved for the next time around.  Marash Girl's friend is not giving up yet!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Councilor at Large Alan Ciccone greets Marash Girl

                           Councilor at Large Ward 1 
Newton's Ward One Councilor at Large, Alan Ciccone, greets Marash Girl
on Election Day at the polls in Newton Corner

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Prayer for Joan Who Worked for Justice - May 6, 1942 - November 2, 2013

The following prayer was written on November 6, 2016, in memory of my dear friend Joan Scully Metz; the piece was written by Joan's sister.

Loving God, As we gather today in love to remember Joan, we give you thanks for the years she was with us.  Guide us as you did her, to use the talents and skills you have so generously given us, to work in collaboration with others to bring change to those who suffer and are oppressed in this world.  Guide us to educate and advocate for other who are denied a voice.
Help us to be present to members of the global human family.
Help us to recognize the systems and structures that deny the dignity of the human person.  Help us to be engaged and fully focused so we may envision and develop effective strategies to further justice and to b your agents in this world.  Guide us to educate and advocate for others who are denied a voice.
Help us to be present to members of the global human family.  Help us to recognize the systems and structures that deny the dignity of the human person.  Help us to be engaged and fully focused so we may envision and develop effective strategies to further justice and to be your agents in this way.
Keep us aware of the bigger picture and move us beyond our own self-interest, who we may participate in solidarity with those who need our support.  
Help us to persist in the face of challenges.  Renew our hearts and remind us that your grace is working in us and through us, so we may play a small part in the building of your kingdom.  Help us to remember, with love, all that Joan has done for us, all that she taught us, all that she did for the least among us and for those who are suffering.  May the brightness of Joan's love and emil remain with us each day, and remind us all to put our love into action.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Remembering Joan Scully Metz

                                           Remembering my dear friend, Joan Scully Metz
                                                      May 6, 1942 - November 2, 2013

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Save Local Representation in Newton, Massachusetts! Vote No!

                Save Local Representation in Newton, Massachusetts!  Vote No on Charter Change!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Better Late Than Never! But Where Are The Bears?

Halloween Day, Bear's Neck, Rockport, Massachusetts 
             It seems that the bears had all turned into pumpkins in order to celebrate Halloween Day!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Her Favorite Color Is Black!

When Marash Girl's daughter LC was very little, she was in a play group at the YMCA.  Soon after joining this play group, her daughter alarmed the play group instructor, alarmed the instructor enough to prompt a phone call to Marash Girl.

"Hello," said Marash Girl.
"Hello," replied the play group instructor.  "I'm quite worried about your daughter."
"Really?" replied Marash Girl, unable to imagine the reason for the concern.
"Yes!  Do you know that your daughter's favorite color is black?" replied the play group instructor.
Marash Girl just laughed.  Her daughter was always alarming teachers with one comment or another!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Vote for Scott Lennon for Mayor of Newton, Massachusetts

Peter Koutoujian, Sherriff of Massachusetts Middlesex County, poses with Marash Girl (who is wearing her favorite color) at the Scott Lennon for Mayor headquarters in Newton Corner, Massachusetts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

What Happened on the Day Before the Feast of All Saints in 1517?

Did you know that Martin Luther (the original) chose to perform his courageous deed on Marash Girl's birthday (many centuries earlier, of course) and it took her this long (a lifetime) to find out?  "On October 31, 1517, the day before the Feast of All Saints, the 33-year-old Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, challenging the Roman Catholic Church."  A courageous deed in deed . . . a deed unequaled in its time or possibly since!