Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving Surprise!

First flowering ever. . . and at that, in late November!!!! Photo by Marash Girl

Sunday, November 29, 2020

"Something there is that doesn't love a wall . . ." or a fence!!!

With Marash Girl's appreciation (and thanks) to poet Robert Frost! Photo Taken in Newton Corner by Marash Girl

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Yesterday was Native American Heritage Day . . .

Yesterday was Native American Heritage Day. . . What can Marash Girl say? Many years ago, her friend from the Navaho Tribe (a friend who was a student at Harvard College) informed her that because of immigration to the United States of America and immigrants like her family, ultimately such immigration forced Native Americans off of their land onto "reservations" . . . need Marash Girl say more? N.B. It is interesting to note that Marash Girl's Navaho friend recognized the similarity between the Navaho line dance and the Armenian bar (the simple Armenian line dance) or "Neh-Neh Dance", as Marash Girl's dear departed niece Katie named it.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Day After Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving is always a sad day for Marash Girl, because it was on that day, many years ago, that her wonderful mother, Jennie, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. We miss you so much, "Grandma" Jennie! See - March 9, 2011.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Remembering Thanksgiving at 84 Bowers Street, Newtonville

Every year, Great Uncle (Rev.) Vartan and Great Auntie Elmast would invite little Marash Girl and her family and extended family over (to their home on the second floor in the brick building across from the train station on Bowers Street in Newtonville) for Thanksgiving dinner, the adults (Uncle Vartan, Auntie Elmast, Uncle Paul, Auntie Zabelle, Uncle Kay, Auntie Bea, Uncle Setrag, Auntie Gulenia, Daddy Peter, Mommy Jennie . . .) all eating in the dining room while the kids (little Marash Girl, Martha, James, Pauline, John, Carol, Nancy, Charlie, Ruthie, Herald, David . . .) all eating in the kitchen (which gave the kids all the space they needed to have fun and make a racket!!) Traditional roast turkey with Auntie Elmast's delicious rice pilaf, freshly cut up celery and carrots, cranberry relish (which Marash Girl believes that her family brought to add to the table), and Auntie Elmast's homemade paklava for dessert. So many people eating, and talking in English, Armenian and Turkish, and after dinner, all the kids singing hymns accompanied by Auntie Zabelle playing the upright piano in Uncle Vartan's living room . . . so much fun . . . "but those days are gone," as Marash Girl's father would have said, were he living today, "forever!" Although this Thanksgiving is different from any Thanksgiving that Marash Girl has ever experienced, "May your Thanksgiving be happy and healthy . . . Albeit, so lonely . . . May you have loving hugs from caring family . . . Distant hugs only!" N.B. Uncle Vartan was the son of the minister of the first Armenian Protestant in Marash, Turkey; Uncle Vartan, or "Uncle", as we all called him, established the United Armenian Brethren Church in Watertown, Massachusetts, becoming its first minister. In the beginning, he conducted services in his second floor apartment on Bowers Street in Newtonville, Massachusetts. And in all the years that he served as a minister, he never accepted money from his parishioners for the religious services he performed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Get into the Thanksgiving Spirit!!!

Ensure a Happy Thanksgiving with Fresh Cranberry Orange Relish -- Raw Foodies, Take Note! On Thursday, December, 16, 2010, Marash Girl wrote a blog post entitled ON NOT PEELING AN ORANGE. In that post, Marash Girl shared the following recipe for Cranberry Orange Relish, a concoction that her second grade class, under the direction of her second grade teacher, Miss Eleanor Sprowl, prepared and sent to the United States troops overseas for Thanksgiving . . . So here's that very recipe from all those years ago!!! CRANBERRY ORANGE RELISH 2 cups fresh organic cranberries, UNSPRAYED, washed, stemmed and sorted (discarding the squishy ones and the green ones) 1 organic juice orange with skin (washed) 1 cup granulated sugar Put cranberries and oranges through a meat grinder, coarse blade, or if you're living in the 21st century, through a Cuisinart chopper. (Be careful to chop sparingly; you don't want a purée.)" Because juice oranges today are a lot less juicy than they were in the "good old days", Marash Girl would recommend that you use two juicy oranges rather than one, and if the mixture is not orange juicy enough, add some of your own freshly squeezed orange juice. (Adding a third orange with peel would throw off the taste balance.) Marash GIrl doesn't know anybody else who makes this dish, though she gets calls every year from friends who want her to save them some (and last year from someone who wanted the recipe. . . she was so happy to learn that Marash Girl had recorded it in her blog!) Cranberry Orange Relish gets better as it stays, and Marash Girl's friend has informed her that it freezes well, too (though Marash Girl never has any leftovers to freeze)! If you use organically grown oranges, organically grown cranberries, AND you substitute an all natural raw sweetener for the sugar, even the "Raw Foodies" in your family will love it! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Timely Riddle!

Why did the tree drop its leaves? (This is a riddle. The answer is NOT that it was autumn!) [A prize awaits the first best/correct answer! You have until the day after Thanksgiving to answer, so you can proffer the riddle to all included in your Thanksgiving celebration, albeit at a distance!]

Monday, November 23, 2020

Yesterday, The Boston Globe Remembered Leo Kricorian

Above article from the Boston Globe, November 22, 2020. For more on Leo Kricorian, see Marash Girl's memory posted on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. N.B. Leo Kricorian, how we miss you!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Why Was the Cereal Shouting For Help? Have You Figured Out The Answer Yet?

Why was the cereal shouting for help? It was drowning in milk! (Copr. Marash Girl 2020)

Friday, November 20, 2020

What Goes Around, Comes Around

Remembering Grandpa Moses burning the paper and cardboard trash . . . Uncle Paul spreading the cooled ashes around the base of the trees in the back yard . . . Daddy Peter lovingly burying the vegetable peelings in his garden among the tomato plants . . . . and Marash Girl, attempting to carry on the family tradition, but with no land large enough to garden, hiding her vegetable peelings under the leaves that have fallen in the dell between her house and her neighbor's.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


President Obama commented on "Richie Rich" in a recent news telecast. Who knew that President Obama has read the Little Lulu comics? Little Lulu?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Delegate Lorig Charkoudian Gets Back To Legislative Work

Dear Reader: After a devastating four years, compassion and hope are returning to the White House. Thanks to all who worked together for this victory. Delegate Charkoudian is excited to get back to legislative work in the upcoming Session and invites you to join us at her "Relentless Forward Progress" Zoom fundraising party on Tuesday, November 17, at 7:00 pm. To purchase your ticket or make a donation, click here. Since taking office in 2019, Delegate Lorig Charkoudian has earned impressive accolades for her effectiveness as a legislator and public servant. The Maryland League of Conservation Voters recently named her an “Environmental Leader” and she was the Solar Energy Industry Association’s 2019 regional “Solar Champion.” After her first legislative session, the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition gave her its “Up-and-Coming Legislator of the Year.” Perhaps her favorite kudo came from someone who said she is the “Queen of Constituent Services” for her dedication to helping community members get needed help--whether it's unemployment benefits, COVID testing in hard-hit areas, or nutritious food for families. Lorig has consistently shown her passion and prowess in solving issues both large and small. At this fundraising party, you’ll hear directly from Congressperson Jamie Raskin, Maryland House Speaker Adrienne Jones, and Economic Matters Committee Chair Dereck Davis about the important difference Lorig is making in the State House and in the community. You will also have an opportunity to ask Lorig about her plans and priorities in the upcoming legislative session. By supporting this event, you can show your approval and gratitude for Lorig’s dedication and effectiveness. Help build up her campaign coffers for the next election so she can continue to make “Relentless Forward Progress” in building a more just and inclusive Maryland! Relentless Host ($500) Fierce Co-Host ($250) Persistent Sponsor ($150) Tireless Advocate ($100) Determined Supporter ($50) Steady Friend ($25)

Riddle of the Day: What gets longer the shorter it gets? Have you figured it out yet?

Have you figured it out yet? You had the whole weekend!!! Well, here are two possible answers!!! Which one did you proffer? 1) The word "short" gets longer as it gets shorter! 2) Your life gets longer as it gets shorter!!!! Copr. 2020 Marash Girl

Monday, November 16, 2020

Be Careful Crossing the Street, Especially In Crosswalks!!!

Marash Girl nearly got mowed down yesterday morning by a UPS (United Parcel Service) truck which failed to stop at a stop sign and crosswalk when Marash Girl was already in the crosswalk crossing the street three blocks from her home, during her morning walk. She called UPS and they said they could not help. BE CAREFUL CROSSING STREETS, ESPECIALLY IN CROSSWALKS, WHEN YOU THINK YOU ARE SAFE!!!! The life you save may be your own!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

We Will Worship The Lord!

During the Corona Virus, Pastor Regina Walton conducts services on the front lawn of Grace Church. Photo by Marash Girl

Remembering . . .

Growing up attending Watertown's Armenian Brethren Church every Sunday, the church in which her great-grandfather's son preached (her great-grandfather was the first Protestant minister in the Armenian Protestant Church in Marash), Marash Girl saw many little old Armenian ladies all dressed in black . . . little because they had little nutrition during World War One when they survived the Armenian Genocide . . . little old ladies who had lost their homes and their husbands . . . singing hymns to their Lord God . . . singing with hope, singing with prayer, singing with faith, singing with love, singing with gusto, singing with all their energy . . . If they could sing then, their children's children must sing now . . . must sing with hope, must sing with prayer, must sing with faith . . .

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Riddle of the Day

What gets longer, the shorter it gets? A prize for the first best answer!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Why was the cereal shouting for help? A prize for the first/best answer!

What did the dime say to the nickel? Read on for the answer!!!

Have you given up yet, dear reader? The dime said to the nickel, "You think you're so BIG!" Copr. 2020 MarashGirl

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Riddle of the Day . . .

What did the dime say to the nickel? A prize for the first best answer. Give up? Check in tomorrow!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Stubborn stains?

Marash Boy's mother, born in Marash, Ottoman Empire, would often comment, "Stubborn stains? I'm more stubborn!" . . . as invariably she was able to remove stains from clothing that even the strongest stain removers could not!!!! I guess she'd have to be stubborn . . . after all, she survived the genocide of the Armenian people!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Photo by Marash Girl "Wear a mask You have one task Whether you're fast Whether you're slow Wear a mask Wherever you go. COVID-19 can cause you strife, Wear a mask and save a life!"

Friday, November 6, 2020

"One Day, It's Like A Miracle . . . "

Scroll to the right in order to see complete photo.Don't know how to reduce size
Sign reads, "One day, it's like a miracle. He will disappear . . . " With thanks to Elaine M. for the photo

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Akşam olsa, yatak!

"Akşam olsa, yatak!" Such were the words that Marash Boy often heard mid-afternoon from his Medzmama who was born in Marash, Ottoman Empire!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Puzzling . . .

Wherever could that puzzle piece have gone? It only takes one . . . Photo by Marash Girl

Monday, November 2, 2020

Remembering Miss Tobin and the Sixth Grade Class at the Old Claflin School

The members of her sixth grade class were so disobedient, noisy, rowdy, that theirs was the first class to be denied the traditional week-long, sixth grade cammping trip to a local summer camp site. (Was it Cedar Hill?) Marash Girl, to this day, grieves (although that's too strong a word) the loss!

Handmade Quilt At A Yardsale!

Marash Girl: "What a beautiful quilt! Why are you selling it??" Yard Sale Seller: "My husband's secretary made this quilt for him and I'll be d...'ed if I'll sleep with my husband under a quilt that another woman made for him!!!" N.B. Marash Girl has not included a photo of the quilt in order to protect the innocent . . . or the not so innocent!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2020


When Mummy and Auntie Lydia (this was before Mummy was married) visited Uncle Vartan's church in Watertown, Massachusetts, they walked to the front of the church to sing a duet. (Mummy had a very sweet voice and, later in life, sang in Roupen Gregorian's choir in Watertown, Massachusetts.) Before the two young ladies could begin to sing, a man in the congregation stood up and demanded, "Before they can sing in this church, they must give their testimony." Uncle Vartan, without hestiation, and in his accented English (he was tri-lingual and spoke and read Armenian, Turkish, and English), commanded, "You sit dow-vn." The man had no choice...and Mummy and Auntie Lydia sang their hymn for the church congregants to enjoy. Not sure if the fellow who demanded the young ladies' testimony enjoyed it!!!