Saturday, April 7, 2018

Yogurtlu yumurta!

Mommy, Marash Girl can hear you singing its praises now!  When Marash Girl thinks of yogurt yumurta, she hears hear mother's voice, she sees her mother's smiling face!  She checked the internet to see if the recipe was recorded anywhere, but she could not find any hint of such a recipe.  So here it is, dear reader, in memory of Marash Girl's mommy!

Yogurt (in Marash Girl's childhood, it was her mother's homemade yogurt!)

Scrambled eggs (You know how to make scrambled egg, right?)

Crack a bunch of eggs.  Beat up the yolks with the whites.  Heat butter on stove and cook the eggs somewhat loosely scrambled (but not HARD scrambled).

Serve hot with cold yogurt spooned over the hot scrambled eggs, and there you have "Yogurtlu Yumurta", a perfect Saturday night supper!

1 comment:

  1. My Medzmama always included fresh crushed garlic in Havgeetov Madzoon! She mixed the madzoon, garlic, and scrambled eggs together. It was great with toast!
