Wednesday, October 28, 2020

No "Trick or Treat" for Marash Girl!

Marash Girl's dad grew up as one of the "starving Armenians" in Marash, Ottoman Empire, early in the 20th Century. Even so, her dad and his family never went completely hungry because their uncle had taught Yepros and Mary (his mother and her sister) to weave cloth, and even though the cloth they wove was not perfect, their Muslim neighbors would take that cloth to the countryside and exchange the cloth for grains, fruits and vegetables. Thus, the family was able to survive during the most difficult of times. However, despite the tough times, Grandma Yepros forbid her children to "beg", no matter how hungry they becamse. Hence, in the United States of America, Marash Girl's dad saw the custom of "Trick or Treating" as begging. Thus, though allowed to dress in costumes on Halloween, and to distribute candy to the costumed children that came knocking at their door, Marash Girl and her siblings were never allowed to "celebrate" Halloween by practicing the United States custom of "Trick or Treat"!