Thursday, September 30, 2021

A Recipe All The Way From Lebanon! Blog for October 1

‘Marashi ich’ Ingredients 2 cups fine white cracked wheat 2-3 red firm tomatoes, diced small ½ cup sesame paste ½ teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon salt ¼ cup lemon juice 1 bunch parsley, chopped 3 green onions, chopped 2 medium onions, chopped Preparation 1. Wash and drain the cracked wheat and put it on a large dish or on a tray. 2. Add the salt, cumin, diced tomatoes, all the onions and the parsley. Mix thoroughly then put to one side. 3. Thin the sesame paste with the lemon juice and spread it over the mixture, and mix once more. Spread the whole evenly and thinly over the bottom of the dish and serve. Note: This delicious and satisfying dish made with uncooked cracked wheat and served cold, cool, or at room temperature, is more usually prepared by the people of Kilis and is called by that town’s name: Kilis ichi (Kilis içi). In Marash, this dish is prepared with sesame oil without tomatoes or pepper. Thanks to the plentiful supply of sesame oil in Marash, a new version of it has been created. Thanks to Garo Derounian for forwarding the recipe originally published at the following website -

1 comment:

  1. garoderounian@hotmail.comSeptember 30, 2021 at 3:43 PM

    Note: In Marash this dish is prepared with sesame oil without tomatoes or pepper. Thanks to the plentiful supply of sesame oil in Marash, a new version of it has been created.
