Friday, April 30, 2021
A Very Special Meal For A Very Special Guest
One day, Marash Boy and Marash Girl invited a very special guest for Friday evening dinner at their home on Beacon Hill ... an Armenian man who had done much for the Armenian community. As a way of honoring their guest, Marash Girl wanted to prepare what she believed to be a special meal. She spent a good hour peeling fresh whole garlic cloves to make an Armenian garlic soup that was, as she understood from Digin Azniv (her husband's mom), a soup that only folks from Marash were adept at making. (The soup, as Marash Girl remembers, was simply a rich homemade beef broth with only peeled whole cloves of garlic serving as the vegetable.) Unfortunately for her guest and for Marash Girl, the gentleman was allergic to garlic.
Marash Girl had never known then (and since then) of an Armenian allergic to garlic, but just in case, she has never prepared Armenian Garlic Soup since.
N.B. The incident described above took place many years ago. Should you love garlic and want to try making the soup yourself, simply prepare a rich beef broth and add 30 to 40 cloves of freshly peeled whole garlic cloves for the vegetable. Simmer for another half hour. . . season to taste with salt, a bit of freshly ground black pepper and a pinch Armenian red pepper.
Please check with your dinner guests before serving! Or better yet, check with your dinner guests before preparing!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Only A Handful Of Screws
"It's only a handful of screws," you say, as you roll your eyes. But what if, one day, you had a specific need for one of those screws?
Thus, Marash Girl salvaged the screws from the sidewalk today when she went for her morning stroll. She stashed those screws away in Marash Boy's tool box, as she remembered her father Peter and what he would have said . . . "You never know when you're going to need a screw of exactly that size . . ."
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Family History,
Maple Avenue,
Newton Corner,
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Give Me Job!
Grandpa Peter often told the story of an Armenian immigrant, a friend who spoke very little English, yet, during the depression, went looking for a job in the United States of America in order to feed his hungry children . . . The friend, telling Grandpa Peter of his plight, related the following.
"I tolda dhem. . . çocuklarım ajīkdīn! Give me job! . . . That's English, isn't it?"
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
On A Happier Note . . .
Monday, April 26, 2021
Vandalism on Maple Avenue
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
The police left Marash Girl's house on Saturday morning, April 24, after inspecting (and writing a report on) the deliberate damage that had been done to the antique bird bath (see above) that had been sitting on Marash Girl's front lawn (unbroken) for many a year, a bird bath that Marash Boy had grown up with in his back yard in Springfield, Massachusetts . . . Marash Girl first noticed that the bird bath was broken on Saturday morning, the day after she had posted the sign you see below.
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
The bird bath had been in perfect condition on Friday evening.
If you, dear reader, have any information on this incident, please email, or call the Newton Police Department directly - 617 796 2100.
Let’s keep each other safe! Let’s keep Newton safe!
Maple Avenue,
Newton Corner,
Sunday, April 25, 2021
I'm So Happy And Here's The Reason Why. . .
When Marash Girl was a little girl, she attended Sunday School at the United Armenian Brethren Evangelical Church in Watertown, Massachusetts, a church established by those who had survived the genocide of the Armenian people which occurred between the years of 1915 and 1922. The preacher of our church, Rev. Vartan Bilezikian, was himself a survivor the Armenian Genocide (see yesterday's blogpost). Students from Gordon College were Marash Girl's Sunday School teachers. Young, enthusiastic, and committed, they taught her and her classmates to love Jesus, to live according to Jesus's teachings. But that's not all they taught. They taught wonderful Sunday School choruses, many of which Marash Girl remembers to this day. and here's one she finds herself singing often!
"I'm so happy and here's the reason why,
Jesus took my burdens all away;
Now I'm singing as the days go by,
Jesus took my burdens all away."
"Once my heart was heavy with a load of sin,
Jesus took the load and gave me peace within;
Now I'm happy and here's the reason why,
Jesus took my burdens all away."
An upbeat (children's) hymn written by Stanton Gavitt . . . a hymn Marash Girl loves to sing as she takes her morning walk. Check out the song on Youtube: You'll be so happy because Jesus took your burdens all away AND because you will be able to sing along with the pianist.
Happy Palm Sunday!
Saturday, April 24, 2021
In Memory Of Those Armenian People Who Were Slaughtered 1915-1920
In Memory of those Armenian People Who Were Slaughtered 1915-1920 May They Rest In Peace
"1915 - NEVER AGAIN!"
Images Taken From The Internet
106 years since the onset of the Genocide of the Armenians...Asvadz lousavoreh!
For recordings of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, go tothe United States Library of Congress, or for more information, call the Armenian Library and Museum of America in Watertown, Massachusetts - (617) 926-2562
On Being Armenian,
Ottoman Empire,
Friday, April 23, 2021
Dear Mayor Fuller:
I am not a resident of Newton. I don't even live in Massachusetts. I am the daughter and granddaughter of a Newtonian family that made its home on Lowell Avenue after the Great Depression.
Every summer, my parents would fly our whole family to Logan where we were met by my grandparents, Peter and Jennie. We spent whole summers playing in their yard, mixing it up across the street in an open lot, and walking to Bullough's Pond. As a special treat, we'd take the T to Fenway and root for the Red Sox! The house was down the road from Newton High (now Newton North) - go Tigers!
I'm writing about these events because my Newtonville-dwelling aunt informed me of a gun shop - one of many, apparently - that is in process of hanging up its shingle. I can't imagine the Newton/Newtonville of my youth with a gun shop in it. And this is why:
We walked as kids, unaccompanied down the streets without fear.
We passed Newton North all the time, without fear.
We walked to the T and entered Fenway without fear.
We ran back and forth from the library to check out books and movies without fear.
I understand that there are many people who regard gun ownership as a sacred right. I understand the need of some to possess firearms (the ranchers in my community all have rifles, and often use them against pests to their hens and cattle).
But I'm wondering what use a gun shop would be in suburban Newton/Newtonville? As I recall, my lovely childhood summers were spent in a town home to families; schools; civic, cultural, and community centers.
We now have three living generations among my Newtonian family. I ask that you and your governmental colleagues do your best to protect against the gun violence that is raging throughout our country. Step one in that battle is disarming the perpetrators. No one can shoot without an easily accessible firearm. Please say no to gun violence; say no to gun shops in Newton!
Thank you for heeding my letter, Mayor Fuller.
Alison Sykes
Graeagle, CA
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Arriving in Boston for the purpose of receiving their COVID-19 vaccines, Marash Boy and Marash Girl received an unexpected surprise when they met Marilyn Monroe at the corner of Newbury and Hereford Streets!
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Lest We Forget The Tragic Death By Gunshot Of Newton's John Frankenberger!
On March 31, 1954, in Newton, Massachusetts, Marash Girl's classmate, 14-year-old John Frankenberger, was accidentally killed during English class at Frank Ashley Day Junior High School when a pistol held by his classmate (a fellow who was sitting behind John in a first period class and had been seated behind Marash Girl an hour before during homeroom) -- that pistol was accidentally discharged. Marash Girl declines to mention the name of her classmate who was holding the pistol that went off, terminating the life of her classmate, John Frankenberger!!
That shooting during English class ... granted, unintentional, an accident, -- the young man holding the gun "didn't know the gun was loaded!" -- yet the gun resulted in the tragic and immediate termination of life for 14-year-old John Frankenberger.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Looking To Purchase A House In Newton?
Here's a house that you might be able to afford . . . although it may not offer adequate protection from the guns that are available for sale in Newtonville, less than a half a mile away!
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Newton Corner,
Monday, April 19, 2021
Stop the Imminent Opening of a Gun Shop in Newtonville, a Village in Newton, Massachusetts!
Do we really want a shop selling weapons -- guns that can shoot real bullets -- guns that can shoot bullets that kill -- Do we want such a shop opening on Washington Street in Newtonville, just a short bike ride from Underwood Elementary School, Bigelow Junior High School, close to F.A.Day Junior High School, and Newton North High School, and a ten minute walk from the border between Newton and Boston. . . or a gun shop located anywhere in Newton, Massachusetts, for that matter!
Please call Massachusetts City of Newton Mayor Fuller’s office at (617) 796-1000 or email Mayor Fuller at, objecting to the imminent opening of gun shop in Newton Corner (or, as stated above, anywhere in Newton, Massachusetts!
Julie M. Cohen, Wicked Local, Newton Tab, April 2021, writes the following --
"Yes. A gun shop could open in Newton near the marijuana dispensary on Washington Street in Newton Corner. And very soon.
"With a gun shop aiming to open on Washington Street, city councilors and upset residents are taking parallel steps to prevent this from happening.
"There are currently no restrictions on where a gun store can be located in Newton, according to the city ordinances. There were firearm shops in the city in the past, including one in West Newton."
Please protect our children, our families, our homes, our city!
Again . . . Whether or not you live in Newton, have lived in Newton, hope to live in Newton, have friends and family who live in Newton, please call Mayor Fuller’s office at (617) 796-1000 or email Mayor Fuller at
Don’t delay! It could mean our . . . . (I’m sure you can fill in the blanks!)
NeNewton Massachusetts,
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Watertown Marashtsis And "The Ice-a Crrim"!
Marash Girl's dad Peter used to share the following memory. When he was a little boy and had first come to this country, he and his family would attend the gatherings of Marashtsis (Armenian immigrants from Marash, Ottoman Empire), meetings held once a month on Sunday afternoons in Watertown, Massachusetts. The announcer would often try to quiet the gathering, folks who were so pleased to be together once again, folks catching up on what had happened in the family since their last meeting . . . The announcer, in preparation for the featured speaker of the day, would shout above the din,"Quviet, plees! Quviet, plees; prritty soon, by and by, ve gonna hava de ice-a crreem!" (Translation: Quiet, please! Quiet, please! Pretty soon, we're going to have ice cream!)
(It should be noted here that throughout Turkey, Marash--now known as Kahraman Marash-- is famous for it's ice cream ... or should I say, ice-a crrim!) Marash Girl's dad Peter (Bedros) reports that while sitting in that audience with his fellow Armenian immigrants, he would think to his 9 year old self, " . . .I wonder if I'll ever be able to speak English that well!" By the time Marash Girl knew her dad Peter, he was speaking perfect, unaccented English. Having graduated from Watertown High School with honors, he had been accepted to M.I.T. with a full scholarship!!! N.B. For more on Peter and M.I.T., see, Aug 14, 2020.
(It should be noted here that throughout Turkey, Marash--now known as Kahraman Marash-- is famous for it's ice cream ... or should I say, ice-a crrim!) Marash Girl's dad Peter (Bedros) reports that while sitting in that audience with his fellow Armenian immigrants, he would think to his 9 year old self, " . . .I wonder if I'll ever be able to speak English that well!" By the time Marash Girl knew her dad Peter, he was speaking perfect, unaccented English. Having graduated from Watertown High School with honors, he had been accepted to M.I.T. with a full scholarship!!! N.B. For more on Peter and M.I.T., see, Aug 14, 2020.
Ice Cream,
On Being Armenian,
Friday, April 16, 2021
April 17, 2021: Heed Your Husband's Advice, or . . .
On Thursday, April 15, Marash Boy advised Marash Girl not to remove the snow shovels from the front porch . . . not to return those shovels back down to the basement... but Marash Girl didn't heed his warning, and look what happened yesterday... Serves her right for not taking her husband's advice!
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Please consider the above blogpost to be Marash Girl's blogpost for April 17, even though she couldn't resist writing this post in the middle of the April 16th snowstorm. What better did she have to do? She couldn't shovel, because, as you might have noted in the first paragraph above, the snow shovels had already been put away as spring was 6 days away . . . but away it was!
Maple Avenue,
Newton Corner,
Original Art In An Empty Parking Lot
Blogpost for April 16.
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Good thing Marash Girl got the above photo several days ago! See photo above this blogpost for today's weather in New England . . . !!!!
new england,
Newton Corner,
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Someone's Happy To Be Home!
Blogpost for April 15.
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Good thing Marash Girl took the above photo on April 15, before the snows arrived!
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Forsythia in April
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Probably one of the few spring flowers that Marash Girl can name is the Forsythia. Why? Because when Marash Girl was in 4th Grade at Claflin School in Newtonville, her teacher, Miss Forsythe, was eminently proud of the fact that her family took their name from the beautiful spring flower, the Forsythia -- the first Marash Girl had heard the name, a name she remembers to this day.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
The Way Marash Girl Remembers Newtonville Square
Above Image Taken From A Vintage Postcard
The above image (unknown photographer/historian) looks southward down Walnut Street towards the then Newton High School (what is now known as Newton North High School, very different structures than existed at the time this photo was taken). The photo was taken from just south of Bowers Street (Bowers Street was where the train station and Newtonville Electrical Company were originally located), and Newtonville Avenue (where Newtonville Electrical Company built and moved to its new location at 439 Newtonville Avenue in Newtonville Square).
n.b. Newtonville Electrical Company was the shop that Marash Girl's father and uncle established early in the 20th Century.
Childhood Memories,
Family History,
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Sundays On The Front Porch
Front Porch,
Maple Avenue,
Newton Corner,
Friday, April 9, 2021
Blog post for Saturday, April 10th, although published today in the interest of locating this pet parrot which has been missing since before April 9.
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
If you happen to see this pet parrot, please call its owner at 617-308-2811.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Do Shoes Grow On Bushes?
Money may not grow on trees, but do shoes grow on bushes?
Photo by MarashGirl©2021
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Spring has Sprung in Newton Corner!
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
National Peanut Butter And Jelly Day
Did you know that April 2nd was NATIONAL PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY DAY? April 2nd coincided with Good Friday this year. As Marash Girl felt it inapproritae to celebrate
'Peanut Butter and Jelly' on Good Friday, Marash Girl will take a moment today to remember how, being a good mother, a woman of Armenian descent, she would never allow her children to take peanut butter and jelly to school for lunch. Among other Armenian taste treats, she would place lamejun in their lunch boxes. But that never daunted her children. Their friends LOVED lamejun, and all Marash Girl's children had to do at lunchtime was exchange their lamejun for sandwiches of peanut butter and jelly made with white bread!!! Simple solution to the problem!
Monday, April 5, 2021
Elementary School Name Calling On An International Level
As Marash Girl did not think that the following was appropriate to post on the Easter weekend, she has chosen to post this "Global News" when it is no longer news.
The following paragraphs are taken directly from the internet.
"Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that "it takes one to know one" -- a translation that was later corrected to “he who said it, did it,” after U.S. President Joe Biden had said he thought the Russian president was a killer; Putin adding that he wished Biden good health."
"I wish you health. I say that without any irony or joke."
"Putin was speaking on television after Biden, in an ABC News interview that prompted Russia to recall its Washington ambassador for consultations on Wednesday, said 'I do' when asked if he believed the Russian president was a killer."
"Biden also described Putin as having no soul, and said he would pay a price for alleged Russian meddling in the November 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, something the Kremlin denies."
"It takes one to know one..." Really? That was Marash Girl's elementary school classmates' response whenever name calling began!
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Krisdos Haryav!
Քրիստոս հարյա՜վ ի մեռելոց: Օրհնյա՜լ է Հարությունը Քրիստոսի:
Krisdos haryav y merelotz -- ohrnyal e haroutioun Krisdosi!
"Christ has risen and conquered death -- blessed is the resurrection of Christ!"
Thanks, Rahmetlī Olsun Uncle Paul, for teaching us children how to praise the Lord in Armenian on Easter Sunday!
Saturday, April 3, 2021
And Speaking Of Bread . . .
Do you make your own yeast bread? Did you know that all you ever need is that first package of yeast, and then you'll never have to buy yeast again . . .
"Really! How is that?" you may ask.
Just save a small chunk of the risen yeast dough before you shape and bake your bread. Keep that chunk of dough in a glass or ceramic bowl, (covered with plastic wrap if the glass or bowl doesn't have a cover, wrap that does not touch the dough,) or in a covered glass bottle.
The next time you decide to make bread, remove that small chunk of bread dough from the refrigerator a couple of hours before you plan to make bread. Then, once you have kneaded fresh bread dough sans yeast, simply knead that small piece of risen yeast dough into the fresh bread dough and set the freshly prepared bread dough (which includes the small piece of dough that has yeast) in a glass or ceramic bowl twice or three times the size of the dough that you have just prepared, a bowl large enough to give the freshly kneaded dough plenty of room to rise. And rise it will . . . without the addition of more yeast! Then all you have to do is follow the recipe . . . punch down the dough and shape that dough into bread or bun shapes. Allow the shaped dough to rise for a second time. Armenian women who survived the Armenian Genocide early in the 20th Century always marked a cross (using the side of their hand) on the top of the rounded loaf of bread dough, a cross which would disappear when the bread had risen sufficiently to place in the oven to bake.
Then into the preheated oven with that bread dough, and soon the aroma of freshly baked bread will waft throughout your home . . . Out of the oven and . . . Hopefuly you've baked several loaves, because that first loaf will not last very long.
Friday, April 2, 2021
When is a loaf of bread not a loaf of bread? Have you guessed the answer yet?
When is a loaf of bread not a loaf of bread? Two winners!
1) A loaf of bread is not a loaf of bread when . . . it's a baguette!!!
2) A loaf of bread is not a loaf of bread . . . after it's been eaten!!!
Original Riddles copyright by Marash Girl 2021
Thursday, April 1, 2021
When is a loaf of bread not a loaf of bread?
A prize for the second best answer! Why the second best answer?
First, because Marash Girl has already received the best answer. And . . . because
it's April Fool's Day!!!
Marash Girl will report all answers on April 2nd, though she won't identify the April fools
who offered them!!!
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