Sunday, May 31, 2020

Going Fishing in Foxboro

In the spring, all minds turn to fishing, at least the minds of Marash Girl and her dad! On this particular spring Sunday afternoon, we were driving to Foxboro to attempt to catch some pickerel at the Heatons, where we could rent a flat-bottomed rowboat with a small motor. Much to our surprise, a policeman hiding behind a large sign came roaring out from the side of the road on his motorcycle, siren blaring, and pulled Dad over. Dad got out of the car to talk to the policeman, and little Marash Girl followed. The policeman accused Dad of going over the speed limit. Dad respectfully replied that he had been going at the speed limit, which I believe was 50 mph. The two adults got into a little argument at which point the policeman said, "You're a liar!" Little Marash Girl piped up, "My daddy is not a liar!!!" The policeman and Daddy burst out laughing, and that, as they say, was the end of that!!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

A Rise in Domestics????

Chatting with a local police officer several days ago, Marash Girl asked how things were going.
The police officer answered that there had been a large rise in domestics.  As Marash Girl pondered his response, the officer continued, "Folks aren't used to living together every moment of the day."

Friday, May 29, 2020

No Roses, Please!!!

Hint for a long-lasting floral bouquet . . .

If and when you are ordering a floral bouquet to be sent to a friend/colleague/loved one, request that there be no roses included in the bouquet.

What?  No roses?

Yes, no roses.  


Roses are the first flowers to wilt and dry/die in most floral bouquets (unless, of course, the bouquet is made up of nothing but roses, and then death comes quickly to the whole bouquet).

If you are fortunate enough to receive a floral bouquet, don't throw the whole bouquet out because it begins to look faded.  Chances are, the fading is due to the roses that are wilting and coming to an early death!  Just remove the drooping roses (or whatever flowers are fading), and your bouquet will look as fresh as a . . . daisy?  Well, certainly not as fresh as a freshly picked rose.

And another tip . . . Water the bouquet just as you would water your plants.  The cut flowers get just as thirsty as any plant.  

You'll see how much longer your roses will last!!!

Oh, and yet another tip . . .  If you cut flowers to bring inside, recut the tips of them under running water and put the flowers, tips down, of course, immediately into a vase of water, a vase that has had a teaspoon of sugar placed in its bottom before the water has been added. You'll be amazed at the difference it will make in the life of your flowers . . . how much fresher your flowers will stay, albeit cut and placed into a vase.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Do I hear a tuna fish can being opened?

So thought Pudd . . . so thought Marash Girl.  Marash Girl would walk to Grandma Jennie's and Grandpa Peter's  house to visit after her stint for the day as Guidance Counselor at Newton North High School had ended.  Marash Girl walked up Lowell Avenue, past the high school field, past the 'new houses' which had been built where once trees stood, where once a spring ran with fresh spring water . . . As soon as Grandma Jennie (Marash Girl's mom, then known as Grandma Jennie since she  had been blessed with grandchildren) heard the cellar door opening, she would open a can of tuna fish that had been cooling in the refrigerator . . . tuna fish with no preservatives, of course . . .  drain the liquid from the can, spoon the tuna into a bowl, chop up some celery, add all natural mayo, stir it all up, and by the time Marash Girl arrived at the top of the cellar stairs and entered Grandma Jennie's kitchen, there would be a beautiful whole wheat tuna fish sandwich waiting for Marash Girl on the breakfast nook table.  Oh, how Marash Girl remembers the day . . .

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Grandma Jennie Whistled to the Cardinals

And today, the cardinals whistled to Marash Girl, Marash Girl whistled back, and so it went.  They had a lovely conversation on this lovely morning in May, just as Marash Girl's mother used to have many years ago when she would whistle to the cardinals, and they would be delighted to answer!

Borrowing a Book from the Library

With all due credit to Benjamin Franklin, I still wonder why anyone would want to snuggle up in bed with a book that someone else has gone to bed with . . .

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Robin Redbreast Greets Passersby on Maple Avenue This Week!!!!

                                                                          Photo by Marash Girl 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

How Well I Remember the Day!!!

Back yard of 474/476 Lowell Avenue, Newtonville, Massachusetts
L.toR. Dr. Hrair Atikian, Martha Atikian, Rev. Ian MacDonald, Lucille (Jennie) Bilezikian, Peter Bilezikian
Unkown photographer, but possibly Marash Girl!!!

Thanks to Martha Bilezikian McCool for the above photo!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Remembering Mommy's Lilacs

                                                                                                 Photo by Marash Girl
                                           Remembering Mommy Jennie Bilezikian's Lilacs
Jennie (née Lucille Mae Vartanian) Bilezikian, better known as Mommy to Marash Girl, loved lilacs, especially the lilacs that were on the lilac bush in front of our house on Lowell Avenue in Newtonville.  As soon as they were in bloom, she would carefully cut them from the bush . . .  (she knew that if she didn't cut the blooms, they would not return the following year, or if they did return, they would return in far smaller numbers. . . ) and gathering them into her arms, carry them into the house.  With great joy she put them into vases which she arranged throughout the living room and dining room.  The wonderful aroma of lilacs filled the house for days.  Marash Girl misses those days, the lilacs, but especially her Mommy!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

HELP!!! Close the Gap in the Fence Allowing Entrance to the Massachusetts Turnpike!!!

Gap in Fence Opposite Entrance to YMCA
Photo Credit:  Marash Girl 2020
Above is a photograph taken today, a photograph of the fence separating the Massachusetts Turnpike from the YMCA in Newton Corner.  The gaping gate shown above is directly opposite the front entrance to the YMCA, and abuts the YMCA's parking lot, where the school bus that transports kids to and from the YMCA is parked.  An "attractive nuisance", the gate's gap is large enough even for Marash Girl to crawl through.  How about all the young boys and girls who might want to visit the YMCA, even if only to learn that is closed because of Covid?

Marash Girl has called attention to this gap both by calling the YMCA as well as calling the Newton Police.  The Newton Police, Marash Girl is most pleased to report, came immediately to scope out the problem.  The police called the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, as did the YMCA.  That was a week ago.  The photo above shows the gap in the gate next to the parking lot as it exists today.

If any of you reading this post have any suasion with the powers that be, please use it.  Your influence may save young lives!!!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Kindness Rocks!

"Take one for Inspiration!
Share one for Motivation!
Leave one to help our garden grow!
Beware . . . Kindness Rocks!!!
Kindess Rocks!"

Happy Birthday, Raffi!

What a wonderful day to celebrate a wonderful boy!!!  A little story about Raffi.  One day, more than several years ago, we were at the Farmer's Market in Takoma Park, Maryland.  We stopped to chat with a man who was selling goat cheese, made from the milk of his goats.  Little Raffi was so excited, he asked the man if we could visit his goats.  The man proclaimed a loud, "No!" in the meanest, gruffest manner you can imagine!!!  Raffi, unabashed, wanting to make the man feel better, said, "That's okay.    Don't feel bad.  I can always visit the goats at my grandma's summer home."

Anoushig boy!!! Always caring for others!  "Kindness Rocks!"

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Murat is Amazing!!!!

If you ever feel at your wit's end, just call him!!!  He knows the answers!!!!

Wild Turkey Visits Maple Avenue

                                                           Photo Credit:  Marash Girl 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Remembering Leo Kricorian

Leo Kricorian  c. 1962
Photo by Ed Kricorian
I have been thinking about you, Leo . . . wanting to record memories of our fun times together at (then known as)  the United Armenian Brethren Church on Arsenal Street in Watertown, Massachusetts. And this morning I went to the internet, looking to see how we might get together and chat about the old days, when I learned of your passing!!! Oh, no!!! You were such a wonderful person, and so much fun!!! I can still see you and hear your voice singing God's praises as you stand at the front of the church sanctuary to the right of the pulpit singing and playing your guitar. I remember when you and I acted out the parts of Joseph and Mary in the Manger Scene at the front of the church at Christmas Time for all the congregation to enjoy . . . that was so special!!! Then today, wanting to catch up with you, I went to the internet to learn of your whereabouts . . . only to learn of your passing and the little bit that followed about your life. I am brokenhearted, but I know I shouldn't be. I know how much you loved the Lord Jesus Christ, how, from the pulpit, your voice and guitar rang out singing God's praises, how you are now with the Lord Our God!!! We shall meet again, dear friend!!! And let me sing again, as we used to sing and shout from the pulpit when we were kids,
When we all get to heaven, 
What a day of rejoicing that will be! 

When we all see Jesus, 
We'll sing and SHOUT the victory! 

Martha Mae (Bilezikian) McCool writes from California, "I grew up in Newtonville, Massachusetts, and attended the same church that Leo attended from the time we were toddlers until we became young adults . . . those who stayed in the Boston area, continued to attend. Since I had moved out of state, I lost touch with many of my friends and relatives who attended and were original members of that church. My great uncle (The Reverend Vartan Bilezikian) was the first pastor of this church which at that time was called The Watertown United Armenian Evangelical Church. I understand that the name of our church was later changed. It was truly a "family church" where most of the parishioners were genocide survivors who pooled their meager resources to build the church . . . a place where they could worship freely. As kids, we would race around the church's basement where the Sunday School teacher tried to quiet us down . . . keep us better behaved . . . but it was so much fun to reunite with all the kids every Sunday. Leo was a good friend, and about the same age as most of us kids (born around1940-1945) . . . Leo was a blast . . . very talented musically, and we always looked forward to that moment in the service when the "children's choir" (aka us unruly kids) would assemble to sing a cute song (giggling, singing, and laughing all at the same time) while accompanied by our very talented friend, Leo, playing the guitar. Leo, you will be missed, but I know you are making beautiful music up there with our loved ones."

Well-known author Nancy Kricorian (Leo Kricorian's niece) write, "Music was the passion of Leo’s life, and in his youth he was the front man for the bands Leo and The Thunderbirds and Leo and the Rhythm Rockers. He wrote music and lyrics, and recorded several songs under the name Leo Scott. He was the lead guitarist for the Andy Healy Band starting in the late 70’s. Andy Healy said of Leo, “He truly loved the Irish music scene, and he was front and center with our band. He was always very dependable, and he was never late for a gig in the 37 years he played with us.”Of note, as well, is that Leo was a guitar teacher, and one of his early students was well-known guitarist, composer, and educator John Baboian. We shall miss you, Leo. We DO miss you, Leo!! But even as we are missing you, we'll keep singing, just as we did with you, Leo, and as I have remembered above: "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and SHOUT the victory!"

John Harutunian writes, “Leo Kricorian and his family were very much part of what was then known as the Armenian Brethren Evangelical Church of Watertown. His mother and my grandmother, Agavnie Harutunian, were good friends. I remember that Leo made his outward, public commitment to Christ at a Billy Graham crusade held at Boston University’s Nickerson Field in 1982; and subsequently commented on it in an article in the Boston Globe! Though I didn’t get to know him too well, I do remember Leo as a friendly and likable person -- as, doubtless, do all who knew him at the Watertown church.”                                                 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Life abounds!

Have you heard the silence of the bunny rabbits who sit and stare solemnly into your eyes?

A New Doorway to the Massachusetts Turnpike via the YMCA in Newton Corner!!!

Even Marash Girl could have slipped through easily, if she so wished...which she did not!

                     Photo by Marash Girl

Monday, May 18, 2020

No Cars Bring New Life to Maple Avenue

Bunny Rabbit on Maple Avenue Last Wednesday - Photo by Marash Girl

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Marash Girl's Soup of the Day

When you think you have nothing for supper, just take a peek into your vegetable drawer and you'll find a lot of veggies that are sad and lonely:  a single celery stalk, a single carrot, a very ripe tomato, aa few leaves of lettuce, a half a lemon, etc., etc.  With a little bit of love, you have the makings of soup for supper!!! If you have no vegetable broth or chicken broth, simply open a bottle of tomato juice or a can of V-8 Juice, add several cans of water, a bit of hot sauce, and the cleaned, peeled, chopped vegetables.  Bring to a boil, turn down the heat, simmer for about 20 minutes.  Remove from the heat and just before serving, add a dash or two of all natural Tamari Sauce, some freshly squeezed lemon juice (and, if you happen to have it, some freshly washed and chopped parsley to sprinkle on top of each serving).  Your family will love you for it!!!

Çok Teshekur Ederim

To my Turkish son, Murat, Çok teshekur ederim.  Thank you so much for spending the time to reeducate Marash Girl on the skill of posting blogs!!!  "Sirem kezi!"

Check out my daily blogposts at!

Riddle for the Day

Why did the tree drop its leaves?

A prize awaits on my porch table for the first best answer!!!

I am back online! Hooray!

Thank You to My Turkish Son Murat for helping me get back online!!!  Murat, you are the best!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Quick and easy ice cream soda without the ice cream and without the calories!!!

Celebrate the first day of June with all the joys of an ice cream soda, without the guilt!!!  Just fill a glass with all natural (no preservatives) gingerale, add a dollop of cream or milk and a dash of all natural vanilla flavoring!!!  There you have it!!! Enjoy!