Several nights ago, Marash Girl anxiety dreamed that she had lost her camera. She had, in fact, lost her camera case several years ago, but never her camera. The camera remained jangling around in her bag where ever she went. She never consciously thought about how important her camera was to her, how it allowed her to share the way she sees the world, until that dream forced her to deal with her tie to her little pocket camera.
And now, several days later after that dream, her camera has fallen apart, and is held together with bandaids. She's hoping the camera will hold on to all the photos she's been taking of the Poconos, its beauty and its haunts. Hey, maybe it was those haunts that tore the side off of her camera! Well, hopefully, haunts don't like bandaids, and the photos will remain until the camera and Marash Girl can get back to Newtonville Camera with a plea for help! . . . and a new camera case.
I was wondering what that strange tape was on the camera today!