Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Lake

Today, visiting McDonald's for a breakfast featuring an Egg McMuffin, Marash Girl met a group of women from the Lake in Newton.  Actually,  this  McDonald's is in the Lake.  Nonantum, that is.  The lake in THE LAKE is no longer a lake.  It was tarred over after being filled with building debris by the builders who lived and worked in The Lake, er, Nonantum.  They (the ladies, not the builders) asked Marash Girl her name, and when she gave it, the name, of course, ending in ...ian, the  ladies asked, "Are you Armenian?"  Upon admitting that, yes, in fact, she was Armenian, the ladies wanted to know why she wasn't living in Watertown where all the other Armenians live!


  1. Stupid stuff gets said when people are trying to make small talk conversation that doesn’t fit into familiar grooves (weather, sox, Brady,etc). I would try to understand that as a friendly comment intended to show that the speaker had some familiarity with Armenian culture. Sort of like "Some of my best friends are ____"

  2. Stupid stuff gets said when people are trying to make small talk conversation that doesn’t fit into familiar grooves (weather, sox, Brady,etc). I would try to understand that as a friendly comment intended to show that the speaker had some familiarity with Armenian culture. Sort of like "Some of my best friends are ____"
