Thursday, September 24, 2020

Refrigerator Soup (Named by Joan Scully Metz)

Don't have anything but leftovers -- a little of this, a little of that -- in the refrigerator?   Then you've got the makings of a delicious soup.  Simply take a frozen block of chicken broth from the freezer, broth that you've made by boiling the remnants of the last chicken or turkey that you roasted -- or open a can of all natural chicken broth, bring to a boil, add a little of this, a little of that -- one peeled and chopped carrot, one peeled and chopped onion, and one celery stalk (washed & chopped, of course), a cup of leftover rice, boulghour, pasta, or a peeled and chopped potato, a cup of leftover veggies, some bits of chicken left from the roast chicken you just served . . . heat it all together, simmer until veggies are tender, add some hot sauce, if you like hot sauce, or some tamari, if you like tamari, some garlic, if you like garlic . . . and there you have it!  Taste before serving to adjust the flavor exactly to your liking, perhaps by adding a small can of tomato paste or some wine vinegar . . . be creative!!!

1 comment:

  1. it sounds wonderful, 8 am and my mouth is watering before my first class.

    haha I miss visiting your house and kitchen, and those of your friend joan Scully!
