Monday, December 21, 2020

Remembering Medzmama, Grape Leaves, and the Wilbraham Library

What connection could there possibly be between the Wilbraham Library and grape leaves? Wanna know? Just read on! One day years ago, late summer, Marash Girl drove most of the family (her children and Medzmama) down the Wilbraham Mountain to the Wilbraham Library . . . the children to search for good books to read, and Medzmama to search for grape leaves, tender enough for making sarma! As Medzmama was carefully selecting grape leaves, (carefully searching for the leaves that were large yet still tender enough to make yalanchi,) a young man happened by. "Here," he said. "Let me help you pick the grapes . . . those are the grape's leaves that you're picking!!!!"


  1. Hahaha that's a great story. I remember her picking grape leaves there but didn't know about the man passing by. Lol.

    1. One of my favorite stories . . . and it's true!!!!
