Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Knitting: Another Scarf for Peace

Knitting itself is a peaceful endeavor; knitting scarves the  Marash Girl way creates the image of peace; wearing those scarves becomes a statement for peace.
Tom Ashbrook and a WBUR volunteer each model "Another Scarf for Peace" in the halls of WBUR.  Photo Credit: Doreen Nicastro
When Marash Girl takes two completely disparate yarns, conflicting in color, texture, weight and fiber, and knits them together into a harmonious whole, she makes real the beauty of conflict resolution.   Folks who buy the scarves support Community Mediation Maryland.  Folks who wear the scarves proudly exhibit their belief in the beauty of peace.

1 comment:

  1. Community Mediation Maryland is a beneficiary of these scarves. Check out our work at:
