Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Little Quail, Sonoma, California

Quail with Roses.  Photo Credit: Marina Sweeney
Having always heard and loved the Armenian song, G'lorig, G'lorig, Ay Lorig  (see Marash Girl's blog - February 14, 2012), Marash Girl had named her daughter Lorig, never having seen a real quail.  Arriving in Sonoma, California at the behest of her niece, Marina, before entering the Sweeney home, Marina called out, Oh, there's a quail. Where? asked Marash Girl, really excited to finally see the the 'Lor' after which her daughter Lorig was named.

1 comment:

  1. It also makes me think of the song "Kele,Kele",
    one of my favorites.

    Marko Pasha
