Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hye Cafe, Watertown

If you've never been to the Hye Cafe, you've missed a real treat. From about 6:15 to 8 PM on Fridays usually once a month, Hye Cafe (in the St. James Cultural Center on Mt. Auburn Street in Watertown, MA -- check with the church to make sure which Friday it's happening) offers Armenian fare freshly prepared by members of the church; (even the priest and his wife assist in the kitchen).  The menu offers much variety, from cheese boureg to lamb shish kebab & pilaf, from hommus & pita bread to chee kufte and imam bayeldi, even pizza for kids under 12 who may not go for the more exotic Armenian offerings.  All natural tahn (iran), a favorite of Marash Girl,  is offered at the soft drinks bar, and coffee and tea are complimentary.  For one person, or a group, the food and camaraderie are unequalled. Children and adults of all ages, families and individuals, strangers and friends, can come together the first Friday of every month for a wonderful Armenian meal.

Areka Der Kazarian, born in Marash in 1912, was accompanied by her son Ed Der Kazarian at this past Friday night's  Hye Cafe. Areka was a good friend of Marash Girl's father, Peter (who was also born in Marash in 1912), and said to Marash Girl upon meeting her last night, "Oh, you look just like your father Peter!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that pizza available for children is Armenian pizza, aka lahama'ajeen!
