Friday, January 8, 2021

Massacre of the White Birches Lives On In Marash Girl's Memory

Thus Marash Girl must once more write of Massacre of the White Birches . . . or The Trees That Paid the Ultimate Price! Summers in Wilbraham, Massachusetts, were carefree, until the town began to pass laws that some folks saw as infringing on their inalienable rights! The new law that was created by the powers that be in Wilbraham, Massachusetts, (perhaps in the 1980's, although Marash Girl can't remember the exact year), was a law preventing individuals from cutting down trees on their own property without the town's permission . . . a tough law to swallow for folks who had been "living free" on their private property all their lives. So how did one man deal with that law? Marash Girl is sure that you can surmise the answer, having read the title of today's blog post. Yes, the fellow who lived on the East side of Ridge Road, perhaps a half mile from the cabin on top of Wilbraham Mountain . . . that fellow whose house overlooked his hillside acre of white birches bordering Ridge Road . . . you guessed it . . . that fellow massacred all of the white birches that fronted his house . . . cut every last one down to a stump . . . stumps he had to look at for the rest of his life! Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!!!!


  1. Small world, I grew up in Wilbraham on the mountain and my grandfather was born in Marash!

  2. My grandfathers name is Sarkis Santourian.
